January 30, 2012

Did you smile today? For real?

I have been having a really rough few weeks.
When I saw this picture, it made that day better. :)
I hope you get a laugh out of it as I did.


Did you share your beautiful smile today?
It could have made a person's day that much better.
Happy day everyone!


Hey everybody! Go over and get even more smiles at Lindsey's blog and enter her giveaway. =)

January 28, 2012

When the Roll is Called Up Yonder

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, shall live.
John 11:25

This old favorite was inspired by disappointment. James Black was calling roll one day for a youth meeting at his church in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. One name didn't answer--young, Bessie, the daughter of an alcoholic. Crestfallen at her absence, James commented, "O God, when my own name is called up yonder, may I be there to respond!" Returning home, a thought struck him while opening the gate. Entering the house, he went to the piano and wrote the words and music effortlessly.


Years later, this song comforted a group of traumatized children in a Japanese concentration camp. In his book, A Boy's War, David Mitchell, tells of being in boarding school in Chefoo, China, during the Japanese invasion. On November 5, 1942, the students and faculty were marched from their campus and eventually ended up in Weihsien Concentration Camp.

Among the students was Brian Thompson, a lanky teenager. One evening about a year before the war ended, Brian was restless, waiting for the evening roll call which was long overdue. A bare wire from the searchlight tower was sagging low, and some of the older boys were jumping up and touching it with their fingers. "Whew, I got a shock off that," said one.

Brian decided to try. Being taller than the others, his hand was drawn into the wire, and it came down with him. When his bare feet hit the damp ground, the electricity shot through him like bolts of lightning. his mother, who had been interred with the students, tried to reach him, but the others held her back or she, too, would have been electrocuted. Finally someone found an old wooden stool and managed to detach the electrical wire, but it was too late.

At roll call that night, when the name "Brian Thompson" was called, there was no answer. David Mitchell later wrote: "Our principal and Mr. Houghton led a very solemn yet triumphant funeral service the next day. The shortness of life and the reality of eternity were brought home to us with force as Paul Bruce related that Brian had missed roll call in camp but had answered one in Heaven. How important it was for us to sing and know, 'When the Roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.'"

Taken from the book: Then Sings My Soul

(Don't forget to pause the blog background music.)


A giveaway with Linz......

January 26, 2012

the modesty survey

A few years ago, I conducted a modesty survey by asking a few of my guy friends to answer some "modesty questions." Some of the answers were baffling....those questions we never really think about.

I hope this helps you to want to dress (as it did me) in a way that would not be a "stumbling block" to our Christian brothers. =)


one. Wearing pants with words across the backside is a stumbling block. 
Agree- 42.2%
Strongly Agree- 42.1% = 84.3%

two. It is immodest for a girl to expose her legs up to mid-thigh.
Agree- 39.5%
Strongly Agree- 28.6% = 68.1%

three. Low-riding pants are a stumbling block.
Agree- 41.9%
Strongly Agree- 30.7% = 72.6%

four. Skin-tight jeans are a stumbling block.
Agree- 40.2%
Strongly Agree- 36% = 76.2%

five. Pants that follow a girl's curves are modest as long as they aren't skin tight.
Agree- 49.5%
Neutral- 21.8%

six. Any shorts that are shorter than mid-thigh are immodest.
Agree- 41.9%
Strongly Agree- 41.9% = 83.8%

seven. Miniskirts, long shirts, or short dresses over leggings are a stumbling block.
Agree- 38.5%
Strongly Agree- 26.4% = 64.9%

eight. The way a girl walks can be a stumbling block.
Agree- 50%
Strongly Agree- 24.9% = 74.9%

nine. A girl bending over and exposing her lower back is a stumbling block.
Agree- 46.3%
Strongly Agree- 17.3% = 63.6%

ten. It is okay to show cleavage when wearing a swimsuit.
Disagree- 34.6%
Strongly Disagree- 35.7% = 70.3%

eleven. Bikini swimsuits are immodest.
Agree- 25%
Strongly Agree- 59.3% = 84.3%

twelve. The lines of undergarments, visible under clothing, cause guys to stumble.
Agree- 46.3%
Strongly Agree- 25.3% = 71.6%

thirteen. A camisole is immodest if worn alone.
Agree- 41.8%
Strongly Agree- 25.7% = 67.5%

fourteen. Strapless dresses are immodest.
Agree- 36.4%
Strongly Agree- 29.5% = 65.9%

Here are some of the things that the guys said:

“You’ve never been a guy.  You don’t know what’s it like to be a guy and you never will.  That being said, according to 1 Cor. 8 (mainly verse 12 but it’s necessary to read the whole chapter to get the context) if you cause someone to fall, you have sinned against Christ.  Why would you want to risk that?  It’s like going hunting blindfolded and if you miss or don’t kill whatever you’re hunting you die.  But you can take the blindfold off and play it safe.”

“Please consider your Christian brothers and don’t do anything to make them stumble in their Christian life.”

“Always be Modest.”

“The real reason for dressing modestly is not only because it makes the guys stumble or it causes someone to sin or it is what our parents say or any of those types of reasons, while those are all good, there is an even more important reason; that is because God has commanded it.  We have to disregard customs, traditions, fads, the newest styles. etc…. if it is not allowing us to dress in a modest and Godly way.  This applies to men as well as women.”                  

“The Lord commands women to have a dress becoming of one who seek holiness, as a woman of the Most High God you must keep that command. Two reason I believe that a woman must dress modest is because of who she represents and who is influences in her daily life. I know it is very difficult for a woman to shop today because of the sinful clothes that are in our shops, but you must learn to adore yourselves in modest dress so that you can be a example to other women and your body is much too precious to show every man your business!”

“Modest is hottest!”


Don't forget about the giveaway over at Lindsey's place!

January 24, 2012

You Lead

(don't forget to pause the playlist at the bottom of the blog.)

January 22, 2012

The day my world (almost) turned upside down.

I had a couple of people comment on this post on the question number 3...the one of me and my white water rafting experience. I thought I would share with you a paper I wrote for school a few years ago.....


It was the children’s first time on this sort of adventure. Mom and Daddy had gone on their honeymoon, twenty-four years ago.
Today was mom’s birthday, adding a sparkle to the occasion.  After an encouraging phone call from our aunt to boost our anxious spirits, we arrived at Rapid Descent.  We were prepared, or so we thought, for what lay ahead of us.
After donning our swimsuits, T-shirts, and shorts and receiving a brief lesson on the possible risks of what could happen on our thrilling quest, seven of us loaded up into the van and headed to our launching location. At the site, we joined other rafters as they started on their adventure into the unknown. There were also some rough-looking kayakers who obviously knew what they were doing having been “raised on the waters.”
Although a native from North Carolina, our guide had the lingo of a “dude” from California.  We were dubbed our California lingo names: Daddy being “Marsh,” Mom being “Lis,” Dallas was called by his original name, and “the girls,” we set off on our exciting, yet quite frightening voyage.  Only God knew what would happen on the first major rapid we hit.

After seeing Daddy launched out of the raft, I sat momentarily stunned, until our boat hit the opposite side of the wave.  I was ejected out of the raft.  Unknowingly to me, Dallas was also thrown into the furious white waters.  Hoping to grasp a breath of air, I tried to get my head above water.  I raised my hands above my head, anticipating pulling myself to the surface.  But, to my great dismay, I realized I was lodged under the raft as we were plunging down Pigeon River at a rapid pace.  How could I maneuver myself out from under the raft?  I was becoming nervous.  I told myself, “Relax. Do Not Panic,” while thoughts of drowning saturated my mind.
“Is this what it is like to die?” “Is this what people experience when they drown?” What seemed like countless minutes, I finally broke the surface of the raging river. 
Recalling what our guide informed us just minutes before, as we fastened our life jackets and helmets, I told myself, “All right, keep your feet out in front of you. Do not try to stand up. Just float.”  I heard mom screaming my name, advising me to grab hold of her outstretched paddle.  I gripped the lifesaving, yellow paddle and held on for dear life. During all the excitement, Dallas and Daddy had already hoisted themselves back into the boat.  I finally reached the side of the boat to be rescued. Still in the rushing waters, Daddy tried to lift me into the boat but my life vest caught on one of the handles on the side of the boat…AH! Our guide, Mitch, told me to slide toward the back of the boat, away from the handle.  He snatched me up and over the side of the boat.  Without ingesting any water in my nose or throat, I was so glad to be back on “solid rubber.” 
“Are you alright, girl?” Mitch asked, “Man, there was carnage out there!” 
Yeah Mitch, Whatever…

Needless to say, I was quite unnerved as I anticipated the remainder of our voyage.  But, with our experienced guide, along with my family’s humor, the rest of the adventure went providentially well.  One time our guide told us that we might “fall out on the next rapid” (oh, great) but thankfully, we lodged our feet under the raft seats and survived without any spills.  Along the way, we glided over Lost Guide Rapid (fortunately we didn’t lose our guide) and Razor Blade, in addition to other rapids with intimidating names. 

On our river tour, we were able to get a glimpse of God’s beautiful creation.  We saw an enormous hawk fly overhead.  We saw where the water level had risen before the last hurricane, twenty to thirty feet above us.  We also saw remains of an old railroad trestle in the river. We were hoping our guide would not get close enough to puncture a hole in our raft! 
On the last mile of our journey, through tranquil waters, we were able to enjoy the ride, observe the birds, and listen to the amazing sound of water.  We were also able to talk to Mitch, our guide, about where we lived and some of the rivers and lakes there in our state.  It was obvious he loved the water.

Just maybe our Christian influence was enough to make Mitch question, “Was there something different about them?” Our terrifying incident was worth it all if he saw us demonstrate in our actions, our dependence on God in dangerous situations. 
If the story ended up a little more tragically and one of us did not survive, was it God’s timing? I’ve concluded, we are all here a little while, and if God deems that something should happen to any of us, then so be it.  But until that time, we have a great responsibility to live for Jesus and honor Him with what we say, the way we dress, and the way we act.  We need to know that other people are always watching us, in whatever circumstance, whether we are young or old. 
Most importantly, if something happened to you today, would you be ready?


So, what do you think? Have you ever had any white water rafting experiences?

January 20, 2012

Who Am I?


I am popular. I am valuable. I am worth your time.
I am important. I am ancient. I am relevant. I am valued by people of faith. I am valued by atheists.
I am mistreated. I am ignored. I am used. I am abused. I am broken frequently. I can be a source of pain. I can be a source of joy. I am disregarded. Some people say that I'm old-fashioned.

I am from God.
I am not supposed to be broken. I am a covenant between two people. I am a promise from one person to another. I can bring people closer together. I can bring people closer to God.

I am powerful.
I am no longer viewed as I once was. I have been changed by some people. To some people, I am something that I wasn't supposed to be. I am used by people who shouldn't use me.
I used to be on TV. I used to be in the movies. I used to be in the homes of many people. I used to be sacred. I used to be revered. I am now a business in Las Vegas. I am now a debate in California. I am the topic of many books. I have magazines about me.

I am still the same.
I am a creation of God. I am to "be held in honor among all..." I am for one man and one woman. I am not irrelevant in the eyes of God. I am not old-fashioned in the eyes of God.

Now that you've met me...how well do you know me?
God created marriage for the benefit of mankind. In Genesis 2:18, God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." When presented with Eve, Adam said, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." God replied in verse 24, "Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

You could say that marriage was God's final act of creation in the Garden of Eden. Not only did He create the world, the plant's and animals, and Adam and Eve; He also created marriage.

We value our creation. We value the world we live in. Do we value marriage? Do we value the fact that it was created for us?

Our world doesn't value marriage. It values choices like homosexuality, cohabitation (living together), no-fault divorces, and multiple marriages. Our world has corrupted the sanctity of marriage; it treats marriage like it created it; it treats marriage like something that needs to be fixed.

God still believes in marriage between one man and one woman. God still believes in relationships built around His Word. Go d still believes in the importance of marriage.

Do you still believe in marriage?

(This article came from this website.)

January 18, 2012

In celebration of 100...

(pause the background music, please. ;)

Don't forget to check out Mem's blog and give her some blog lovin.' =)

January 16, 2012


How can I ever thank you?...to my bloggy friends?

Today, I reached that number....100. 100 followers.

I would love to do something special but I'm not really sure what to do...

So, I want you, the 100, to comment and let me know what I should do to commemorate this event.

A special post? A vlog? And if I do a vlog, what should it be about? What suggestions do you have? I kind of wanted to do something different besides a giveaway...I love giveaways, but everybody does giveaways. ;D

The comments are moderated, so only I will see what you suggest. :)

Thank you so much!

January 16, 2012

A Lil' Liebster Award

Dawson Cattle Company passed this award on to me... Thank you! It so totally made my day. ;D

In German, Liebe means love. The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming blogs who have less than 200 followers. Liebster is a German word meaning dear, sweet, kind, nice, good, beloved, lovely, kindly, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

The Rules:
1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top five picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers.
5. And most of all...have fun!!

Now to tag.....=)

Don't forget to share the love! ;D


Don't forget to enter Christi's giveaway. =)

January 14, 2012

America the Beautiful

The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all its fullness, You have founded them.
Psalm 89:11

In 1892, the United States observed the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.

As part of the celebration, the city of Chicago sponsored a World's Fair, which carried over to the next year. It was in the early summer of 1893, that a group of professors from Wellesley College visited the Exposition on their way to teach summer school in Colorado. The women later compared the wonders of the man-made Fair with the glory of God's handiwork in the Rockies.

At the close of school, the teachers decided to visit Pike's Peak, elevation 14,000 feet. One of them, Katherine Lee Bates, later wrote, "We hired a prairie wagon. Near the top we had to leave the wagon and go the rest of the way on mules. I was very tired. But when I saw the view, I felt great joy. All the wonder of America seemed displayed there. with the sea-like expanse...

It was then and there, as I was looking out over the sea-like expanse of fertile country spreading away so far under those ample skies, that the opening lines of the hymn floated into my mind. When we left Colorado Springs the four stanzas were penciled in my notebook....The Wellesley work soon absorbed time and attention again, the notebook was laid aside, and I do not remember paying heed to these verses until the second summer following, when I copied them out and sent them to The Congregationalist, where they first appeared in print July 4, 1895. The hymn attracted an unexpected amount of attention...In 1904, I rewrote it, trying to make the phraseology more simple and direct.

The new version first appeared in the Boston Evening Transcript, November 19, 1904.


There are two stories about the melody, Materna, which was written by Samuel A. Ward, originally for a hymn entitled, "O Mother Dear, Jerusalem." Ward's son-in-law said that the tune was composed in memory of Ward's oldest daughter. One of the employees at Ward's music store in Newark insisted that he composed the tune in 1882 while crossing New York harbor after spending the day at Coney Island. The notes came to him so quickly he jotted them on the cuff of his shirt. Perhaps both stories are true.

Taken from the book: Then Sings My Soul 

Note: Scroll down to the bottom of the blog and pause the music. ;)


Hey guys! Don't forget to check out Christi's giveaway!

January 12, 2012


I was tagged (sort of ;D) by Lindsey...yay! So here it is...another eleven post. :)

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post eleven things about themselves on their blog.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.

Eleven Things About Me:

1. The part of the office I work in consists of all women....yeah, too much fun. ;D

2. I absolutely hate writing in cursive.

3. My family went on a white water rafting trip and I was throw out of the raft. When I was supposed to come up for air, instead of breaking the surface, my hands hit the bottom of the raft. Yeah. Not good. A few seconds later, I finally broke surface to hear my mom screaming my name from the raft. That was a scary day. :/

4. I could spend my whole paycheck at Bass Pro Shops.

5. I love polka dots. I have a polka dot purse, phone cover, and my TOMS even have polka dots on them. ;D

6. I have a bracelet that a cousin gave to me that I wear 24/7. Never take it off.

7. I was homeschooled and was the only graduate in my high school class. The ceremony was at home and we had ice cream with all the toppings. :)

8. I broke my collar bone by slipping on a maple leaf while playing kick ball when I was 6 years old.

9. I have never had a Facebook account.

10. I have a horse named Spooky. And believe it or not, he does live up to his name sometimes. ;)

11. Diet Coke is my favorite drink, but have not had it in weeks. (I'm trying to stop drinking carbonated drinks.)

Questions For Me:

1. If you were going to learn a foreign language, which would you choose?
Probably Spanish. I took two years of it in high school. But, to tell you the truth, I don't think any of it stuck. ;P

2. Would you generally rather read a book, listen to music, or watch a movie?
Ummmm, can you do all of the above?....;) It totally depends on where I am and what the weather is like outside. If I'm at home and it is raining outside, I like to curl up and watch a movie or read a book. When it's really nice outside, I like to go out and sit in the swing and read my book. If I'm traveling, I mostly listen to music. :)

3. If you could learn any skill, what would it be?
Learn to play the mandolin or guitar...or maybe learn to ride a dirt bike professionally (haha! I know, crazy).

4. When you go to a restaurant, do you usually try something new or get the same thing each time?
I normally get the same thing each time until I am burned out on it. ;) Then, I broaden my horizons with something different on the menu.

5. What's your favorite book in the Bible?

6. What's something you never leave the house without?
My purse?......my camera and cell phone are probably the biggies. I keep a little Kodak in my purse all the time. Hey, who knows when you might have a Kodak moment? ;)

7. You have a prepaid airline ticket to anywhere in the world. Where do you go?
Paris, France!!!

8. Rice, potatoes, or bread?
Bread...homemade wheat bread fresh from the oven, preferably.

9. How tall are you?
5 feet 3 inches....I'm not short, I'm just Fun Size.

10. What is one of your dreams for the future?
Get married, have lots of babies, and be a stay-at-home wife and mommy. :)

11. What is your favorite song? What does it make you think of?
Waiting Room by Jonny Diaz. Its lets me know that God is in control, and that in His perfect timing He will say..."Yes!"

Questions For You:

*Please explain your answers. ;D*

1. Gold or Silver?

2. Dodge or Chevrolet?

3. Polka Dots or Stripes?

4. Night Owl or Early Bird?

5. TOMS or Converse?

6. Rhino or Penguin?

7. Blogger or Facebook?

8. 10 or 20?

9. Brown or Pink?

10. Freezing cold or Burning hot?

11. Food or Drink?

I Lovingly Tag:

Kristen Marie

January 10, 2012

Pretty Pink Tractor

Being country people around here, we are HOOKED on this song right now. :)
I can't tell you how many friends we have shared this video with.
So now, I want to let you, my bloggy friends, see this hysterical video.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present...Tim Hawkins. :)

(Don't forget to scroll to the bottom and pause the background music to the blog. :)

January 09, 2012

a championship.

May the best team win.
(preferably the Crimson)


Who are you rooting for during the BCS National Championship?

An update after the game....
(taken from my Google+ status the night of the game...after the win.)

What about that championship shut-out?!

Roll Tide! Alabama 21. LSU 0.

We just won that game with all field goals except for one touchdown! Amazing!!

We're number one...national champions.

Don't forget to pause the background music. ;)

January 07, 2012

Say "Yes" to the dress!

Today, we went bridesmaid dress shopping with the future sis-in-law, all eight of the bridesmaids, and the mothers' of the bride and groom (my mom ;). I think we had a little too much fun....;D

The bride and her mother

We saw this and thought it was kind of funny....man, David's Bridal thinks of everything! ;)

Cutie-patootie Taylor...a sister of the bride.

The bride, her two sisters, and niece.

All the bridesmaids + Mothers

Hey y'all! Please go check out Christi Lynn's Blog. She's having a really fun giveaway! =)

January 07, 2012

What's the Big Deal With the Way I Dress?

Imagine that a young woman walks into a funeral wearing a flashy hot pink dress. Or a man arrives for his wedding sporting an old sweat-stained T-shirt and torn jeans.

Do you find either of these scenes disturbing? If you answered, "Yes," then you agree  that what we wear matters. Ladies, would you care if it was your wedding and the man was you fiance? What impression would you get of the young woman at the funeral? Like it or not, people make assumptions about you based on what you wear. Your clothing tells a story about you before you ever open your mouth.

Galatians 3:27 reminds us, "for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." Would others get the impression that you are a follower of Christ, leading a life of holiness, by your appearance? You may say, "But God sees what's in my heart." Of course He does! but what we do and say is a mirror into our hearts, revealing our attitudes and deepest desires. The Bible also warns that "people look at the outward appearance" (1 Samuel 16:7). Try sharing Jesus with someone while wearing a shirt with a beer logo on it. Or imagine dressing in a mini-skirt, stiletto heels and low-cut top on a mission trip. What message would you be sending?

Not only does clothing shape our reputations, it also has the power to build up or destroy. Guys, you can inspire others through T-shirts with spiritual messages, or you can pollute people's minds by displaying ungodly images and profanity. Ladies, you can reveal your pure beauty through modest attire, or you can become stumbling blocks, filling men's hearts with lust by donning the latest mini's and halter tops. Jesus taught that the second greatest commandment is to "Love you neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31). We will all stand before God one day to answer for our choices, even our choices in clothing. It's time we put others over fashion!

Who doesn't want to look nice? Unfortunately, fashion often goes beyond looking clean and well-kempt. 1 Corinthians 10:31 is clear: "Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." When you get dressed in the morning, whom  are you trying to please? If pleasing yourself, your friends and "looking cute" in the world's eyes is placed above honoring Jesus, then it's time for an attitude (and maybe wardrobe) change!

1 Timothy 2:9 teaches, "I also want the women to dress modestly." The Creator knows how He designed men. He also has the advantage of seeing the unseen--watching the enemy as he seeks to devour each of us (1 Peter 5:8). As commander-in-chief in the spiritual war against evil, He has blessed us with all we need to combat Satan. Modesty is one of our weapons.

Ladies, when we deny the visual way men were created (or even abuse it) and selfishly insist on cladding ourselves in the latest itsy-bitsy styles, we are not only rebelling against God but also putting ourselves in danger. Rapists often admit that pornography drove them to act on their desires. Modesty is a safeguard for those who wisely heed it.

1 Timothy 4:12 wisely advises, "Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity." Present yourself in a way that will win you the respect and admiration of older Christians, and who knows?

You may win souls as well.

Taken from an article in Kaio Magazine.

January 06, 2012

attention. attention.

Area Wide Singing
Elmore Church of Christ

Friday, January 6, 2012
7:00 p.m.

If you are in the area, we would LOVE to have you!

It is a time where fellow Christians come together to sing and make a joyful noise with their voices.

And, better yet, there will be FOOD afterwards for everyone to enjoy. ;D

Hope to see you there!

Church address:
470 Ceasarville Road
Elmore, Alabama

January 04, 2012

The "Eleven" Post

My sister over here tagged me in this fun questionnaire....

The sister and me =)

The Rules:
one. You must post these rules.
two. Each person must post eleven things about themselves on their blog.
three. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.

one. I have put together a scrapbook that was over 8-inches thick.

two. I cannot stand the smell of vinegar...it makes me gag.

three. Right now, my fingernails are painted hot pink.

four. On our way home from work one day, the brother and I had a flat tire. By the time the ordeal was over we had three state trooper cars at the scene...no, we didn't call them or anything. They just stopped to help. Although, I think the brother did all the work changing the tire. :)

five. I love cold weather...the colder, the better.

six. Bar-b-que sauce is good on anything...especially black eyed peas.

seven. I love long road trips.

eight. I have never seen any of the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or Pirates of the Caribbean movies. *gasp*

nine. I know how to pump my own gas. (i just had to throw that really random one out there ;)

ten. My favorite colors are brown, pink, and camo.

eleven. I love alligator and mallard duck meat. :P

one. What is the last thing you bought?
Scrapbooking supplies.

two. Where is your favorite place to vacation?
Ummm, anywhere my family takes me. ;D

three. What is the biggest thing you want to accomplish this year?
Speak to young ladies about their purity.
Become a sister-in-law ;)
Support children overseas.

four. Where is the farthest you've been from home?
The island of Jamaica

five. What is the first thing you notice about someone when you first see them?
Don't laugh but....if they have a wedding ring or not. I know, creepy.

six. Quiet or outgoing?
It totally depends. If I don't know the person too well, sometimes quiet. I think it is all changing over to outgoing though...is that a good thing or a bad thing?.....

seven. What is the greatest thing you want people to remember you for?
My service to Christ.
My commitment to staying pure for my hubby on my wedding day.
A person who keeps and carries through with her promises.

eight. Who is the most famous person you have met?
Mike Huckabee
Barbara Bush
Dallas (my brother. everybody knows who he is...it is scary. i am known as: "Dallas' sister.")

nine. What does the last text you sent say?
Getting kinda personal, aren't you, sis? ;D
It said: "Heard about your VERY exciting news! :) Go get em, cuz! Love ya."

ten. If you could meet anyone, who would it be?
Jesus Christ
The Duggar Family
Tim Tebow

eleven. What is your favorite Bible verse?
"If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

one. What is your favorite jewelry accessory? Why?

two. What is the best roller coaster you have ever ridden?

three. How many years have you been a part of blogger?

four. If you have a college degree, what is it in? If not, what grade are you in?

five. How many times have you watched the movie, Finding Nemo?

six. What is your favorite Bible character? Why?

seven. What is your favorite season?

eight. What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten?

nine. What is one of your new years resolutions?

ten. How fast can you say, "Peter Piper Picked a Pepper" without messing it up? ;D

eleven. Will you pass this award on to other fellow bloggers? ;) Because if you don't.....

dawson cattle company
feeding five
nothing but blue skies
our little almanac.
dearest lou
adventures of team pancakes!
operation: micah 6:8
love, lauren
(there isn't a limit to who or how many you tag. :)

January 04, 2012

A New Year With the Lord

A new year is about to unfold
With new opportunities to explore
Doors will open for new experiences
New adventures with the Lord

Remember not the former things
The things of this past year
The Lord will do new things in us
Much more than we are aware

For He will make a way for us
As we put our trust in Him
And He will guide our every step
By his presence we have within

What God has placed within our hearts
We find we'll be able to do
If we look for the opportunities
We'll see the door to go through

We mustn't let anything hold us back
But rise up and take our place
And be all that God wants us to be
With a fresh touch of His Grace.

M.S. Lowndes

January 02, 2012

What?! The year 2011 is already gone?!?!

I remember like it was yesterday....

The exciting moment of writing 2011 for the very first time.

Now, I get another "exciting moment." Can you believe it?! Another year is here!

Man, time flies when you're having fun. ;)

Melissa, over here, posted this really neat "new year" thingy, and I thought I would do it too.
Yes, Melissa, I am a copy-cat...hehe.

What did you do in 2011 that you've never done before?
Wellll, my family and I just got back from an amazing time at Disney World. Not in all my daddy's, mom's, brother, mine, or sissy's born days have we ever been...so, it was some pretty exciting stuff.

Did you keep your new year's resolution? Will you make one for this year?
For the first question, I don't remember. ;D The second question...it's in the making....

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not that I know of. If they did, they never told me about it. ;P

Did anyone close to you die?

Did anyone close to you get hitched?
No, not yet. That is what 2012 will bring though....the bro is getting hitched up (I know mom, that was not correct grammar ;) with one of the BEST young ladies we could ever ask for!!

What countries did you visit?
Jamaica. For a 10 day mission trip.

What date(s) from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory?
-The weekend that it was just me and the sister....the movie from redbox (the 5th quarter), a sonic pumpkin pie shake for dinner, running through the car wash at the scary place at night time, and throwing together roast, potatoes, and carrots in the crock pot.
-My 20th birthday. Who doesn't like getting over 20 texts and 30 emails?
-The first time I rode Tower of Terror. I. Was. Scared.
-Spending late nights with the sis and friends at Polishing the Pulpit....singing devo songs and playing the fabulous game of Links.

What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
-Being that much closer to my B.S. degree.
-Speaking more to young ladies about their purity and waiting for the Prince Charming.

What was your biggest achievement this year?
Buying my first SUV, the Navigator, debt free. Praise the Lord!

Biggest failure?
Ummm, not riding Space Mountain again?...;)

Did you suffer any illness or injury?
Thank the Lord, not really. Not unless you count a bad case of bronchitis. Yeah, I had to wear a face mask to work. Not good.

What was the last thing you bought?
Big or little?
Big: A $20 Disney photo album
Little: A $4.99 movie out of the Blockbuster kiosk

Whose behavior merited celebration?
Ummm, everybody's?....For putting up with me?...hehe

Where did most of your money go?
Gas for my SUV
Birthday and Christmas gifts for friends and family

What did you really get excited about?
Winning the Phase 10 card game and beating my daddy, mom, and sister. ;D

What song will remind you of 2011?
Pretty Pink Tractor

Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
*Psh* How can you not be happy with the family I live with?! ;)

What do you wish you had done more of?
Supporting poor children overseas.

What do you wish you had done less of?
*very hesitantly*....Spending time on blogger?.....

What was your favorite TV show?
Well, we don't watch much TV (since we only have one TV...and it's in the parents bedroom). I guess the show I love to watch anytime I could (I watch it every now-and-then on youtube) is 19 Kids and Counting. LOVE the show!

What were the best books you read?
Authentic Beauty
For Young Women Only
First Things First
When God Writes Your Love Story
20 and Counting
and yeah, the list goes on....

What was your best musical discovery?
Jonny Diaz

What did you want and got?
A trip to Disney and my first pair of TOMS shoes.

What did you do on your birthday? How old did you turn?
Cooked a Thanksgiving meal with my grandmother, mom, and sister. 20. I know, over the hill.

What one thing would have made this year more satisfying?
Hmmmm, driving the forklift more?....I have no idea.

How would you describe your personal fashion?
Home: Workout clothes or jeans and a T-shirt
Going to town: A comfy pair of pants or skirt with a cute top and accessories
Church: A skirt and another cute top (just a little nicer than "town clothes") ;)

What kept you sane?
My sister
Starbucks Java Chip Frappes
My jogs to clear my head

Who was the best new person you met?
Haley. A coworker of mine. She's a year older. We have the same major. We take some of the same classes. We share with each other our school woes...yup, she's a "best new person."

What was a valuable lesson you learned?
Never be a Psychology major. ;) I kid! I kid!
My lesson: Always bring your troubles to God...He always hears them whether we think He does or not. If you want to rush into something, God's answer may be a "no." Be content in the "waiting room" He has you in....if it is His timing and His Will, He will give you that answer you have been waiting for..."YES!"

I hope you have an amazing New Year!

January 01, 2012

The most terrifying thing...ever.

Well, sort of.

The first time, I almost chickened out.

But, after riding it, I was hooked.

I rode the Tower of Terror, in Hollywood Studies, for a grand total of...dun dun dun dun....3 times. :)

Enjoy the experience.

You can't really see it to well, but the sound is kinda cool. ;D

*Don't forget to pause the playlist at the bottom of the blog. :)

Happy New Year Everybody!!

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