January 04, 2012

The "Eleven" Post

My sister over here tagged me in this fun questionnaire....

The sister and me =)

The Rules:
one. You must post these rules.
two. Each person must post eleven things about themselves on their blog.
three. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.

one. I have put together a scrapbook that was over 8-inches thick.

two. I cannot stand the smell of vinegar...it makes me gag.

three. Right now, my fingernails are painted hot pink.

four. On our way home from work one day, the brother and I had a flat tire. By the time the ordeal was over we had three state trooper cars at the scene...no, we didn't call them or anything. They just stopped to help. Although, I think the brother did all the work changing the tire. :)

five. I love cold weather...the colder, the better.

six. Bar-b-que sauce is good on anything...especially black eyed peas.

seven. I love long road trips.

eight. I have never seen any of the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or Pirates of the Caribbean movies. *gasp*

nine. I know how to pump my own gas. (i just had to throw that really random one out there ;)

ten. My favorite colors are brown, pink, and camo.

eleven. I love alligator and mallard duck meat. :P

one. What is the last thing you bought?
Scrapbooking supplies.

two. Where is your favorite place to vacation?
Ummm, anywhere my family takes me. ;D

three. What is the biggest thing you want to accomplish this year?
Speak to young ladies about their purity.
Become a sister-in-law ;)
Support children overseas.

four. Where is the farthest you've been from home?
The island of Jamaica

five. What is the first thing you notice about someone when you first see them?
Don't laugh but....if they have a wedding ring or not. I know, creepy.

six. Quiet or outgoing?
It totally depends. If I don't know the person too well, sometimes quiet. I think it is all changing over to outgoing though...is that a good thing or a bad thing?.....

seven. What is the greatest thing you want people to remember you for?
My service to Christ.
My commitment to staying pure for my hubby on my wedding day.
A person who keeps and carries through with her promises.

eight. Who is the most famous person you have met?
Mike Huckabee
Barbara Bush
Dallas (my brother. everybody knows who he is...it is scary. i am known as: "Dallas' sister.")

nine. What does the last text you sent say?
Getting kinda personal, aren't you, sis? ;D
It said: "Heard about your VERY exciting news! :) Go get em, cuz! Love ya."

ten. If you could meet anyone, who would it be?
Jesus Christ
The Duggar Family
Tim Tebow

eleven. What is your favorite Bible verse?
"If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

one. What is your favorite jewelry accessory? Why?

two. What is the best roller coaster you have ever ridden?

three. How many years have you been a part of blogger?

four. If you have a college degree, what is it in? If not, what grade are you in?

five. How many times have you watched the movie, Finding Nemo?

six. What is your favorite Bible character? Why?

seven. What is your favorite season?

eight. What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten?

nine. What is one of your new years resolutions?

ten. How fast can you say, "Peter Piper Picked a Pepper" without messing it up? ;D

eleven. Will you pass this award on to other fellow bloggers? ;) Because if you don't.....

dawson cattle company
feeding five
nothing but blue skies
our little almanac.
dearest lou
adventures of team pancakes!
operation: micah 6:8
love, lauren
(there isn't a limit to who or how many you tag. :)

14 says:

memory said...

YAY! And you're outgoing...trust me.

Hehe, I know that was Byron you were texting...I was texting him this morning too. (:

Naomi said...

Nice! I'm glad you like cold weather...enjoy it for me! I am almost always cold...I even get cold when it gets down to 75 here on my Caribbean island! Don't laugh...hehe!

Anonymous said...

You are such a cool, girl! Seriously! I love reading your answers to questionaires!! Thanks for tagging me!! I can't believe you've met the first lady and Mike Huckabee!

By the way, I just noticed your Church of Christ button on the side of your blog. We attend the Church of Christ, too!!

Kayla Bernardez said...

Thanks for tagging me! It looks fun. :-) Loved getting to learn more about you!

Lindsey said...

Aw, thanks so much for tagging me!!! I have my fingernails painted hot pink, too. *gasp* I also look at people's hand to see if they're wearing a wedding ring - weeird. :)

Nichole said...

Oh my dontcha just love the Duggars?!? I loooove them! And mike huckabee you lucky girl!

calikatrina said...

I love long road trips too!! Thanks for the tag, will try to get to it soon! xo!!

Dawson Cattle Company said...

thank you for tagging me...i love seeing everyones answers and its so much fun to learn new things about our blog family!

Lindsey said...

Hehe, okay good - I tag you! :D When we move back in a few months, I will definitely give you my cell number!!

marie said...

I was just reading over some of your old posts and I truly love your message.

Thanks for the tag, I feel famous. I will definitely participate on Monday as I have a post lined up for tomorrow.

I love posts like these, just getting to know someone better.

Have a wonderful day!

kait said...

yay this was SO FUN! and I am so curious as to what alligator tastes like now haha! good, bad, fishy?

You are quite the scrapbooker, that's always something I've wanted to try. I've also always wanted to meet Tim Tebow too! He seems like an awesome person.

Aaron and Anna said...

Thanks for tagging me girl. :) I just noticed it now, so sorry I didn't see it before! :)
In Christ,

Dearest Lou said...

Oh gee I learned a lot about you girl. That's crazy that you've never seen those movies! Is there a reason why? Also what do you do if you are all by yourself and need to get gas? :P Thanks so much for tagging me hon I really appreciate ya (;

Aaron and Anna said...

Hey! So I'm finally answering your fun little questionnaire. :) Thanks so much for tagging me!
~ Anna

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