January 12, 2012


I was tagged (sort of ;D) by Lindsey...yay! So here it is...another eleven post. :)

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post eleven things about themselves on their blog.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.

Eleven Things About Me:

1. The part of the office I work in consists of all women....yeah, too much fun. ;D

2. I absolutely hate writing in cursive.

3. My family went on a white water rafting trip and I was throw out of the raft. When I was supposed to come up for air, instead of breaking the surface, my hands hit the bottom of the raft. Yeah. Not good. A few seconds later, I finally broke surface to hear my mom screaming my name from the raft. That was a scary day. :/

4. I could spend my whole paycheck at Bass Pro Shops.

5. I love polka dots. I have a polka dot purse, phone cover, and my TOMS even have polka dots on them. ;D

6. I have a bracelet that a cousin gave to me that I wear 24/7. Never take it off.

7. I was homeschooled and was the only graduate in my high school class. The ceremony was at home and we had ice cream with all the toppings. :)

8. I broke my collar bone by slipping on a maple leaf while playing kick ball when I was 6 years old.

9. I have never had a Facebook account.

10. I have a horse named Spooky. And believe it or not, he does live up to his name sometimes. ;)

11. Diet Coke is my favorite drink, but have not had it in weeks. (I'm trying to stop drinking carbonated drinks.)

Questions For Me:

1. If you were going to learn a foreign language, which would you choose?
Probably Spanish. I took two years of it in high school. But, to tell you the truth, I don't think any of it stuck. ;P

2. Would you generally rather read a book, listen to music, or watch a movie?
Ummmm, can you do all of the above?....;) It totally depends on where I am and what the weather is like outside. If I'm at home and it is raining outside, I like to curl up and watch a movie or read a book. When it's really nice outside, I like to go out and sit in the swing and read my book. If I'm traveling, I mostly listen to music. :)

3. If you could learn any skill, what would it be?
Learn to play the mandolin or guitar...or maybe learn to ride a dirt bike professionally (haha! I know, crazy).

4. When you go to a restaurant, do you usually try something new or get the same thing each time?
I normally get the same thing each time until I am burned out on it. ;) Then, I broaden my horizons with something different on the menu.

5. What's your favorite book in the Bible?

6. What's something you never leave the house without?
My purse?......my camera and cell phone are probably the biggies. I keep a little Kodak in my purse all the time. Hey, who knows when you might have a Kodak moment? ;)

7. You have a prepaid airline ticket to anywhere in the world. Where do you go?
Paris, France!!!

8. Rice, potatoes, or bread?
Bread...homemade wheat bread fresh from the oven, preferably.

9. How tall are you?
5 feet 3 inches....I'm not short, I'm just Fun Size.

10. What is one of your dreams for the future?
Get married, have lots of babies, and be a stay-at-home wife and mommy. :)

11. What is your favorite song? What does it make you think of?
Waiting Room by Jonny Diaz. Its lets me know that God is in control, and that in His perfect timing He will say..."Yes!"

Questions For You:

*Please explain your answers. ;D*

1. Gold or Silver?

2. Dodge or Chevrolet?

3. Polka Dots or Stripes?

4. Night Owl or Early Bird?

5. TOMS or Converse?

6. Rhino or Penguin?

7. Blogger or Facebook?

8. 10 or 20?

9. Brown or Pink?

10. Freezing cold or Burning hot?

11. Food or Drink?

I Lovingly Tag:

Kristen Marie

13 says:

Lindsey said...

Yay, you did it - again! :) LOVE you answers...these things are the best!

Naomi said...

Aww! Love it! And I love polka dots too, I've always wanted to decorate a room in white walls with plenty big colourful dots! :)

Kristen said...

Love this! That's crazy, the exact same thing happened to me the first time I went white water rafting, except i got stuck under the raft for a while and I'm pretty sure if my friend hadn't reached under and pulled me out by my lifejacket I'd be dead.

Nicole said...

you are sweet dear. thanks for the tag.

i love that you love bass pro. :) so cute.


Unknown said...

what a cute post! fun answers... and I love the questions you came up with. xoxo

jennifer blair said...

Never had a facebook? That's actually really impressive! You don't miss much!

marie said...

So do you fish? Is that a sports shop. Wow, good for you. I love the beach and parks but that's about as outdoorsy as I get. I did have a Facebook account but once I reconnected with some people from High School I was done. I am a total facebook dropout.

Marli said...

To marie....no, i don't fish. although, if someone asked me to go i would say "yes!" in a heartbeat! i do enjoy doing things outdoors. bass pro has clothes, shoes, and other "ladies" items too. ;D it is also just a fun place to go look around...oh, they have an indoor shooting range too. ;P

momto8 said...

you are living proof that peopel exist that don't have FB accts! haha..I do but have NO idea anything about it..

Emma Frances said...

I love this! And that white water rafting story is intense! That would be so scary! Also, I didn't know that you homeschooled. That's pretty awesome! Did your brother and does your sister homeschool? And did you do online classes or anything? Sorry for all the questions! My mom has on and off homeschooled all of the kids in my family so I'm always interested to hear about other people's experiences with it!

Mandy@OrangeAutumn said...

It's cute that you wear a bracelet from your cousin all the time!! I love that you could spend your entire paycheck at a bass pro shop, too fun :)

Ashley from Sloanbook said...

Awe thanks for tagging me! Ok so that river rafting excursion sounds scary! Glad you came out of it safe! But I would be freaked out too! I suck at swimming and would have been panicking for sure! For my answers....Like gold/silver both haha. Not sure on 2... I think stripes! Night owl for sure! Toms although I don't have any...wish I did. Penguin because they are cute! Both blog/FB! 20 because I'm 23 lol. Brown because I wear it more. Cold I love winter! Food!!!

Season of Life said...

Marli ~

What a fun post...I'm 5'4" and I wouldn't call that short either...liked your answer, "Fun Size". ;D I will say, it is strange at first when your children have to look down to you {eldest (21) is 5'7" and next son (15) is 6'...obviously didn't get their heights from me!}

Blessings in Him ~

Mrs. Smith @ Seasons of Life

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