January 15, 2015

2015 + wedding photos.

who knew.
after I got married I thought:
"hmmmmm, i'll have tons and tons of extra time for blogging."
but guess again.
bam. this wife life is the bomb dot com and I hate to say it, but blogging has not been at the top of my list of things to do.
I enjoy blogging.
I want to blog.
but hubby and home comes first.
and besides, I l o v e that my days are spent being a stay-at-home wifey cooking, cleaning, running in the park, and designing stuff for the shop. not to mention, spending time with and loving on hubby (tmi?).
erin, over at erin james said it perfectly.
this is a new season.
so this is my new season.
a season of putting hubby and home first and then
blogging the in between.
so, here's to a new season to love.
2014 held so many new things for me.
a new niece, a new nephew, a ring, and
(just to name a few)
so, without further adu.....
my year--2014:
(and just because i'm nice like that, i'll throw in some of our wedding pictures
made by our wonderful photographer for no extra charge. *winky face*)

what did you do in 2014 that you've never done before?
became an aunt and got married.

did you keep your new year's resolution? will you make one for this year?
I did actually. I graduated college in june, developed my etsy shop, became an aunt, and got married (which was the "other very exciting things" in last years post).
new ones for this year: continue to grow my etsy business and read the Bible cover-to-cover by the end of the year. also, be the supportive and loving wife I need to be.

did anyone close to you give birth?
yup! my sister (a boy), my sister-in-law (a girl) and my best friend of 15 years (a boy).

did anyone close to you die?
mrs. melanie hays--a dear friend of my family. she was tragically killed in a car accident in june. she will be forever missed.
my husband also lost one of his uncles to cancer in december.
did anyone close to you get hitched?
ummm, ME! to my amazing husband, doug. seriously, y'all, how did I ever end up with that man? he is just too good to me! (love you, babe)

what countries did you visit?
we stayed in the US.

what dates from 2014 will remain etched upon your memory:
july 24th-joanna's birth (niece)
august 1st-colt's birth (nephew)
august 2nd-the night the ring was slipped on my finger
october 10th-our wedding day and our first kiss
what would you like to have in 2015 that you lacked in 2014?
-a more organized blog and etsy shop (the best is yet to come)
-an even greater love for hubby that never fades

what was your biggest achievement this year?
marrying my prince charming and kissing him--knowing it was my very first kiss--knowing that all my life I have saved it just. for. him.

biggest failure?

did you suffer any illness or injury.

what was the last thing you bought?
gas for $1.98

whose behavior merited celebration?
my mom. I mean, really. became a "marme" twice and planned a wedding all in the same year. high five, mom!

where did most of your money go?
probably wedding prep and gifts.

what did you really get excited about?
becoming MRS MCBRIDE

what song will remind you of 2014?
let it go from the movie frozen.

compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
i'm happier that i'm married to the man of my dreams and I get to spend every day for the rest of my life with him. but, living so far away from my family and knowing that things will never be the same again brings on some sad days too. life is good. 

what do you wish you had done more of?
spent more time one-on-one with my brother and sister before getting married. people, cherish those sibling relationships!

what do you wish you had done less of?

what was your favorite tv show?
the voice and american idol

what were the best books you read?
unfortunately, I didn't do a lot of reading in 2014. I studied textbooks while finishing up college and then really didn't read anything else. this year, I am trying to get back in the habit of reading for pleasure.

what was your best musical discovery?
do I have to choose just one?.....

what did you want and got?
my happily ever after

what did you do on your birthday? how old did you turn?
2-3. my mom, daddy, sister, and nephew came to visit for the weekend. I opened presents, we went to church, and then went out to eat at fazoli's.

what one thing would have made this year more satisfying?
it was incredibly satisfying. I live a blessed life.

how would you describe your personal fashion?
me. I really don't follow the trends or fads. I just wear what makes me feel great and looks modest.

what kept you sane?
my hubby, running, and a supportive family.

who is the best new person you met?
my new church family. since my marriage to doug and the move to his hometown, having a supportive church family has made the transition waaaay more bearable. not to mention, my incredible, supportive, cute, and loving hubby. (oh, and did I say cute?)

what was a valuable lesson you learned? 
don't stress on your wedding day. people are right when they say "slow down and enjoy the day. it'll be over and done with so fast." ladies (and guys), soak in that wedding day!

6 says:

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

the photo of you and Memory touching foreheads is the cutest thing ever!!

Rachel said...

You have such gorgeous photos from the day! It's easy to see how joy-filled it was. I wish I had been blogging when Angel and I first got married--because he was working night shift i usually got all housework and schoolwork done in the daytime and just spent the nights alone reading. I like reading, but blogging would have been a nice hobby. :) And I never realized that we're exactly the same age--I thought you were younger than me, maybe because I feel like I look older, haha!

Kayla said...

Such a beautiful day!!!! Love this post!! - Kayla

Liv said...

I'm having a hard time being able to tell if getting married and becoming an aunt were the best parts of 2014 for you. ;) ha. Seriously though, what a wonderful, whirlwind year for you! Also, two questions...where are your bridesmaid dresses from...they are darling! and are you in KY now? If so we should totally meet half way sometime! I live about two hours north of Cincy!

kylee said...

your blog comments totally made my day, THANK YOU!! and wedding pics -- yaaaay! weddings! i love the bridesmaid dresses hanging next to yours, they're so simple & perfect!

Rachel || Shiloh Photography said...

Marli! I haven't visited your blog in years. I am overjoyed to see the Lord working in your life and bringing you to the perfect guy. And these images are BEAUTIFUL! May the years to come be filled with blessings as you serve the our Lord & Savior! numbers 6:24-26

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