January 16, 2014


yeah, yeah, yeah.

i know.

the new year was so 16 days ago, but still i wanted to share my past year with you.

so, late or not, here it is.

2013 in review.

what did you do in 2013 that you've never done before?
i ran my first 5k, 8k, and 10k. my mom and sister were right there with me.

did you keep your new year's resolution? will you make one for this year?
honestly, I don’t remember if i kept them. i have made a few for this year: graduate in june, develop some sort of business on etsy (i am still brainstorming this idea), become an aunt, and then there’s some other very exciting things… ;p this is going to be a great year!

did anyone close to you give birth?
nope. but we did find out that my sis and sis-in law are expecting!!

did anyone close to you die?
i knew people who passed away, but none that i was close to.

did anyone close to you get hitched?
YES! my sister married the man of her dreams in october. it was an outdoor wedding and was raining the day before and a little the day of rehearsal. God saw fit to stop the rain and was perfect for the big day and then it started sprinkling as the last box was loaded in the vehicle to go home after the wedding.

what countries did you visit?
jamaica on a 10-day mission trip.

what date(s) from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory?
- october 18th-the sister’s wedding.
- december-the month i found out my sister, sis-in-law, and good friend were expecting their baby’s.

what would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?
- my diploma.
- a ring.                                                                                                                                        
- a more hospitable spirit.

what was your biggest achievement this year?
being able to find greater contentment.

biggest failure?

did you suffer any illness or injury?
no. passed out a few times, but nothing major.

what was the last thing you bought?
chick-fil-a chicken salad sandwich with fries and a lemonade.

whose behavior merited celebration?
huh. ummmm.

where did most of your money go?
probably gas for my navigator.

what did you really get excited about?
sister’s wedding, becoming an aunt, and the future.

what song will remind you of 2013?
life is beautiful by the afters.

compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
happier. i mean, how can a person be “sadder” with all the blessings all around them? life is good.

what do you wish you had done more of?
smiled more and sang without caring who was listening…expressing the song in my heart.

what do you wish you had done less of?
criticizing and comparing.

what was your favorite TV show?
duck dynasty. duh! ;p

what were the best books you read?
textbook, textbook, textbook. just kidding. i was able to squeeze in a few books of my choosing in there….somewhere. fascinating womanhood was SUPER good…it was a textbook.

what was your best musical discovery?
the Frozen soundtrack. the end.

what did you want and got?
more contentment and happiness.

what did you do on your birthday? how old did you turn?
invited a lot of friends from church over (plus, my boyfriend was here from ky) to the house and ate soup, went on a freezing hayride, and sang devotional songs inside around the fire. i turned a whopping 22.

what one thing would have made this year more satisfying?
i am blessed with a satisfied life.

how would you describe your personal fashion?
home: workout clothes or jeans and a T.
going to town: a comfy pair of pants or skirt with a cute top and accessories
church: a dress or skirt with a cute top. don’t forget the accessories!

what kept you sane?
- skype dates with my boyfriend.
- runs to clear my head.                                                                                                                        
- my sister and her listening ear. 

who was the best new person you met?
i am constantly meeting new blogger friends that are so encouraging. i’m afraid if i started naming names i would leave someone out. so, to you my readers, you are the best!

what was a valuable lesson you learned?
be happy! if you’re not happy, then most likely the people around you will not be happy. happiness is contagious. share the love!

5 says:

Jennifer said...

um, when you get that ring you're hoping for, I wanna know! ;)

and we are kindred spirits and i love you dearly. thankful for you.

Rachel said...

Oh yeah, we'll all want to hear all about that ring when you get it!! You did have quite the exciting year!

Susannah said...

Sounds like 2014 is going to be a WONDERFUL year for you! Two babies AND (sounds like) and engagement!!! That's far too much happiness. :-)

Liv said...

Oh I hope you get a ring this year! =) Engagements are so exciting. Praying this new year is a blessed one for you Marli!

The Olive Tree Blog said...

your year sounded great and I could agree with you more about the frozen soundtrack.

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