January 06, 2014

the first day of the last.

today is it.

the first day of my last semester of college.

boy, howdy.

how i have been looking forward to this day.

it seems like only yesterday i was registering for my first semester of online classes.
and yet, it seems like it was eternity ago.

as i look back over my wonderful experience of college life, i am reminded of all the blessings that i experienced along the way...

`being able to stay at home and complete my assignments in the comfort of my own home.
`having a family that was there all along the way to support me.
(mom, i couldn't have done it without ya.)
`not having to worry about being "late" for class when i could just hop on the internet and be there in the midst of class session.
`being able to go to bed at 9:00 like an old grandma and not feel pressured to stay up with college friends.
`having the flexibility to spend more time with family and friends instead of having to sit through lectures in a college building classroom.

...sitting at the table in my pj's, just me and my lecture notes, studying for a final.

...being able to answer a discussion board in the empty library on my lunch hour.

...having the privilege of being able to take women's Bible classes and learning about how to be a homemaker and virtuous wife.

...having the most quaint classroom of them all.

...and sometimes, mid-term week just called for a breakfast of chocolate graham crackers with peanut butter and a diet coke.

...oh yeah, and then the little reminders for everyday.


it was an amazing last four years.

even with all the tears that were cried over accounting 1 and 2 homework and the instructors who would take weeks to email me and grade my work, these past four years held some of the greatest blessings in my life.

so here we go.

last semester, let's get you knocked out.

8 says:

Boots and Yoga Pants said...

YAY! This is one of the best days! I remember last semester when it was my last, first, day! So GREAT!

Rachel said...

Yay!! You're almost done!! I'm sure online college must be a very different experience than most--but it's still a great way to get an education (and a more comfy one, too!)

Susannah said...

Yay!!! How exciting that you're so close to being done!!! You rock this last semester!!! :-)

Jennifer said...

Yay yay yay! so ridiculously proud of you. this is great. God is good. hope this last semester is the absolute best for you, Marli!

love you!

Tammy said...

Yeah!! So very proud of you. I have that book "Fascinating Womanhood". My mother got it when she married in 1963 and then she gave it to me when I got engaged. Great book and a wonderful treasure from mom! ♥♥♥♥♥

Cassidy said...

Yay for you!! :) Where are you getting your degree from/taking online classes from? (I am doing something similar!)

Liv said...

those last pictures are hilarious! I am getting ready to hit the books again after being in the working world full time for the past 2 years. i've decided to become a personal trainer..which is only a 6 week course at our local community college....but it is still scaring me to death to have to be a student again!!!

Jessica said...

So glad I came across your blog again.. Not sure what happened..but congrats on your last semester of college!! I remember that feeling - it feels like it takes FOREVER to get here than looking back it went by so fast!!! What are you majoring in? Enjoy your last semester & do everything you ever wanted to do in college!

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