January 01, 2013


Well, here we are. Another new year. A fresh start. A new beginning.
It's exciting...to see what the Lord has in store for the year 2013.
I pray everyone has a blessed and prosperous new year!

And while we're on the subject, here it is...my year in review.

What did you do in 2012 that you've never done before?
I guess I played it safe this year. Haha. ;) Right now, I can’t remember anything that I did/accomplished this past year that I have never done before….

Did you keep your new year's resolution? Will you make one for this year?
Sort of… I always make them and never write them down. I’m the kind of person who keeps them in her head. ;) I’ve made some that are stashed in my brain….

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Ummm, that would be a no.

Did anyone close to you die?
This past December, we lost a man who was a member of our church. That was just like losing a family member...it was a total shock and was so very sad.

Did anyone close to you get hitched?
Yes! Yes! My best friend, Lori Lynn got married in May, my brother got married to his bride in July, and another friend of mine, Lindsey, got married in December.

What countries did you visit?
The United States of America.

What date(s) from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory?
- July 7th-the brother’s wedding…I’m sure there were others, but that’s one of the major dates for this past year that is “etched upon my memory.” ;)

What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
-The excitement of being less than a year away from completing my B.S. degree.
-The opportunity to speak more to young ladies about modesty and their purity while waiting for their Prince Charming.                                                                                                                                                                              -Contentment

What was your biggest achievement this year?
Working up to where I can jog 3 miles (I know for some of you, that is not a lot, but I’m still working on it. ;) and losing some of those extra pounds.

Biggest failure?

Did you suffer any illness or injury?
Praise the Lord, nope.

What was the last thing you bought?
A Disney T-shirt for the brother.

Whose behavior merited celebration?
This question always stumps me…

Where did most of your money go?
Gas for my Navigator and the Redbox kiosk

What did you really get excited about?
It was probably all the weddings that went on this year. Oh, and watching my little sister’s excitement of being in a relationship with the man of her dreams. ;)

What song will remind you of 2012?
A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
Happy! Happy! Happy!

What do you wish you had done more of?
I wish I had given more and performed more random acts of kindness.

What do you wish you had done less of?
Spending time on the computer.

What was your favorite TV show?
Well, we don't watch much TV (since we only have one TV...and it's in the parents bedroom). I guess the show I love to watch anytime I could (I watch it every now-and-then on YouTube) is 19 Kids and Counting. LOVE the show!

What were the best books you read?
Choosing to See
For  Women Only
and yeah, then there’s all my schoolbooks.....

What was your best musical discovery?
Jamie Grace and Holly Starr

What did you want and got?
Another opportunity to speak to young girls—Girls Purity Day at Camp Wetoga in Georgia in November.

What did you do on your birthday? How old did you turn?
Shopped all night the night before on Black Friday, came home and slept a couple of hours, and then went bowling with the family. I turned the HUGE number of 21.

What one thing would have made this year more satisfying?
I have no idea.

How would you describe your personal fashion?
Home: Workout clothes or jeans and a T-shirt
Going to town: A comfy pair of pants or skirt with a cute top and accessories
Church: A skirt and another cute top or a fashionable dress ;)

What kept you sane?
My sister and our chit-chats
My mom and her help through life
My jogs to clear my head                                                                                                                                                     Horse rides down the country road

Who was the best new person you met?
Whew, I met so many “best new person’s” this year! I’m thankful for each and every one of them and that God saw fit that He bless me with their friendship.

What was a valuable lesson you learned?
Always bring your troubles to God...He always hears them whether we think He does or not. If you want to rush into something, God's answer may be a "no." Be content in the "waiting room" He has you in....if it is His timing and His Will, He will give you that answer you have been waiting for.

And just because a post isn't complete without a picture.

4 says:

Anonymous said...

I have not read Choosing to See. I will check that one out!

And I need to look up Jamie Grace and Holly Starr also!

Nana said...

Marli, what a great review of 2012. You are one of the most dedicated young ladies I know. Your vigilance in everything that you do makes one wholesome young woman. Your faith, your personality, your commitments in life, your fun, your wisdom are so much like what we find in God's Word. Can't wait to see what God has in store for you. Love you, Nana

marie said...

Okay, can I just say you have accomplished a LOT this year, and only one year until your B.S., oh that is the best!!!! I will have to check out Holly Starr as every singer I am introduced to on your blog I love.
Happy New Year!!!!

The Olive Tree Blog said...

cute! i loved learning more about you! you can see how god is working in your life!!

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