August 31, 2011

Answering the Guy Questions: Chapter Three

Chapter Three
Unlocking Your Feminine Power

As women, we have a far greater power over the course of masculinity than most of us realize. We can use our femininity to influence men toward strength or toward weakness. Unfortunately, most of us don't use our feminine power correctly. We nag, criticize, complain, manipulate, and seduce--hoping that our self-built techniques will somehow work some magic and turn a frog into a prince. But when selfishness is our motivation for changing guys, we only end up fueling the problem and leading men into even greater weakness. Just like there are counterfeit versions of masculinity, there are counterfeit forms of femininity--twisted imitations of God's original design for womanhood. Sadly, most of us are very well-practiced in the counterfeit versions.
Let's take a closer look at some of the most common ones.....

one. arrogant femininity
...arrogant femininity in not Christ-built femininity. It's a twisted counterfeit of our feminine power--using our words to paralyze and defeat men rather than set them free to become valiant warrior-poets. As women, we are created to build men up, not tear them down. Rather, it means that we motivate guys to raise up to the standard of Christ through words and attitudes of encouragement instead of disgust.

two. nagging femininity
As we allow the Spirit of God to transform us into radiant examples of Christ's love, guys will be transfixed rather than turned off by our behavior and attitude. They will be won over to the ways of Christ simply by observing the beauty of Christ that exudes from us. A nagging or criticizing spirit quenches the power of Christ's Spirit within us, but a quiet, prayerful, reverent spirit brings true Christ-built feminine beauty to the forefront. When guys come face to face with stunning Christ-built radiance, they can't help but evaluate their own behavior in light of it...

three. seductive femininity
We cannot glorify God by flirting, flaunting our body, or using our seductive power to win the approval of guys. We don't draw attention to Christ through selfish manipulation and sex-appeal--that only draws attention to ourselves and brings guys down. If we want to see a positive change in the animalistic attitude of today's men, it's time we stop catering to the problem. It's time we begin to live as if we actually are the holy temple of the Most High God.

four. controlling femininity
...for a guy to become the warrior-poet that God intends him to be, he must be set free to be a man. In a marriage that means he's allowed to be the leader. He's given the position of final decision maker. It means that his wife allows him to guide and direct their relationship, their family, and the spiritual climate of their home. That does not mean that the woman has no say in any of these areas. On the contrary, a women's input and influence in a marriage and family are crucial parts of God's design. Whenever a woman is told to "get in her place" and given no voice whatsoever, that's a very clear sign that things are grossly out of balance. However, when a woman usurps authority over a man, diminishes his voice, and manipulates him into doing everything her way, that's an equally unhealthy picture. 
It may be hard on your fleshly, selfish side to give up control and let a man take the lead. But in the end, it's far more romantic. After all, what girl dreams of being a gritty, iron-fisted princess who rescues and trembling, wimpy, weak-minded guy from the dragon, carries him away to her kingdom, and tells him exactly how to think and act from that day on? Doesn't sound much like happily-ever-after material to me! In our hearts, we don't want a "yes, dear, whatever you say, dear" kind of guy. We want a strong man who we can admire and respect. So let's not rob men of their masculinity in a childish battle for control.

Don't underestimate what God can do through one young woman who stands for His Ways. Warrior-poets can be awakened in this generation. So why not let the revival begin with you?

~Leslie Ludy 

August 29, 2011

Answering the Guy Questions: Chapter Two

click here
Chapter Two
Warrior-Poet Manhood

God created marriage--and everything leading up to it--to be a picture of heaven on earth. he created men to be a picture of the heroic manhood of Christ. He wants no less for you. No matter what the culture says, He is asking you not to settle.

So what exactly is a warrior-poet?

A warrior-poet has made a sacred covenant with his holy King. He has chosen to deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Christ. He no longer lives to please his own selfish desires. He lives to please his Lord. He is not seeking to draw attention to himself but to draw all eyes to Jesus. As John the Baptist said, "He must increase, I must decrease" (John 3:30). That's the motto of the warrior-poet's life. 

Christian young men are a dime a dozen. There are even many that seem to be a cut above the rest when it comes to their Christian values. But Christian values aren't the ingredients that make a true warrior-poet. A true warrior-poet emerges only when a man makes the decision to lay down self and take up Christ; to exchange his very life for the indwelling life of Jesus Christ and let all of his own dreams, desires, pursuits, and pleasures be swallowed up in an all-consuming passion for the Prince of his soul.

The best way to find a Christ-like warrior-poet is to stop searching for one. Focus on your intimate love-relationship with Jesus Christ, and He will be more than faithful to bring a Christ-built man into your life in His own perfect time and way. It's amazing how God brings like-minded men and women together when we actually step back and give Him the chance to work.

Many young women ask me how high their standards for a guy should be. Is a warrior-poet one who perfectly reflects the manhood of Jesus Christ? What if there are still evidences of selfishness or immaturity in his life? Does that mean he's not the real thing?

The mark of a warrior-poet does not lie in his perfection, but in the direction of his life. Is he aiming for the world or aiming for Christ? Is he eagerly pursuing more of Christ or is he preoccupied with himself? If his life's direction is pointed toward "less of me and more of Him," then he has the warrior-poet blood within his veins, even if God has not yet rasped and refined all the rough edges of his masculinity. If he has made Christ the center of his existence, then Christ will be more faithful to smooth away the wrinkles and refine him more and more into His divine likeness.

Set-apart women, take heart--Christ-built warrior-poets do exist in today's world! In fact, you have a very important role in raising up even more of them. We, as women, are not helpless victims to the discouraging trends of modern manhood. If we are willing, we can actually become instruments of change and allow God's Spirit to work in and through us to convert mediocre men into the triumphant knights whom we've always dreamed of.

~Leslie Ludy

August 27, 2011

Blessed Assurance

...nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.
2 Timothy 1:12

Frances Ridley Havergal and Frances (Fanny) Crosby never met, but they became dear pen pals--the two most famous women hymnists of their age, the former in England and the latter in America. Havergal once wrote a poem about her American counterpart:

Sweet, blind singer over the sea, Tuneful and jubilant! How can it be,
That the songs of gladness, which float so far, As if they fell from the evening star
Are the notes of one who may never see
'Visible music' of the flower and tree...
Oh, her heart can see, her heart can see!
And its sight is strong and swift and free....

Another of Fanny's dearest friends was Phoebe Knapp. While Fanny lived in the Manhattan slums and worked in rescue missions, Phoebe lived in the Knapp Mansion, a palatial residence in Brooklyn, where she entertained lavishly. She was an extravagant dresser with a wardrobe full of elaborate gowns and diamond tiaras. Her music room contained one of the finest collections of instruments in the country, and Fanny was a frequent houseguest.

One day, in 1873, while Fanny was staying at the Knapp Mansion, Phoebe said she had a tune she wanted to play. Going to the music room, she sat at the piano and played a new composition of her own while the blind hymnist listened. Fanny immediately clapped her hands and exclaimed, "Why, that says, 'Blessed Assurance!'" She quickly composed the words, and a great hymn was born.

Taken from the book: Then Sings My Soul

August 26, 2011

things i learned in the south

Oh the joys of living in the south..... ;P

1) A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road.

2) If it grows, it'll stick ya. If it crawls, it'll bite'cha.

3) "Onced" and "Twiced" are words.

4) It is not a shopping cart, it's a buggy.

5) "Fixinto" is one word.

6) There is no such thing as lunch. There is only dinner and then there is

7) Iced tea is appropriate for all meals, and you start drinking it when
you're two.

8) We do like a little tea with our sugar.

9) The word "jeet" is actually a phrase meaning, "Did you eat?"

10) You don't have to wear a watch, because it doesn't matter what time it
is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see...

11) You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH em.

12) You switch from heat to A/C in the same day.

13) All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable,
grain, insect or animal.

14) You know what a "Dawg" is.

15) You carry jumper cables in your car - for your own car.

16) You only own five spices: salt, pepper, Tabasco , ranch
dressing, and ketchup.

17) The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but
require 6 pages for local gossip and high school football.

18) You think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday.

19) You find 100 degrees "a bit warm."

20) You know all four seasons: Almost summer, summer, still summer, and

21) Going to Walmart is a favorite past time known as "goin' Walmartin" or
"off to Wally World."

22) Fried catfish is the other white meat.

23) Speed limit signs are "45mph if you want to." (emphasis added.)

24) Guys wear American Eagle t-shirts with Carhartt boots, in case they might have been labled "preppy".

25) You don't drive people to town, you carry 'em.

26) A siren goin' down the road is the highlight of the day, especially if you follow it to see who's "got caught".

27) John Deere, Cotton, and Browning are the fashion brands.

28) Men spend more money on their truck and 4-wheeler than they did on their house.

August 25, 2011

Grandma's Apron

Add caption

The principle use of Grandma’s apron was to protect the dress underneath, but along with that, it served as a holder for removing hot pans from the oven.  It was wonderful for drying children’s tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears.

From the chicken coop the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven.

When company came those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids.  And when the weather was cold, grandma wrapped it around her arms.

Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood cook stove. Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron.

From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables.  After the peas had been shelled it carried out the hulls.  In the fall the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees.

When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds.

When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner.

It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that “old-time apron” that served so many purposes.

Borrowed from a somebody

August 23, 2011

This is War!

I am really looking forward to this weekend for the This is War seminar!....

August 22, 2011

Answering the Guy Questions: Chapter One

click it

Chapter One
Counterfeit Manhood

So how are we, as women, supposed to respond to the vast cavern between the righteous standard of Christ and the disturbing reality of modern masculinity?  Thus far, we haven't been given the right answer. I have read several books and magazine articles for Christian women that seek to help us live with guys' lust problems in an understanding, no-nagging, noncritical way. "We as women can't possibly understand a man's intense sex-drive," they exhort us, "and it's time we stop making them feel like criminals for just doing what comes naturally to them."

Criticism, nagging, or heaping guilt upon men, to be sure, will not help a man battling sex addictions and perversion. But neither will shrugging our shoulders and saying "guys will be guys."

What modern masculinity needs is a serious shot of the saving, redeeming, transforming, delivering power of Jesus Christ.

And as women, it's time we realize that we play a significant role in seeing that come about. if you ever have been discouraged, disgusted, depressed, or even defeated by the state of modern masculinity, this book can infuse you with vision, hope, and a practical means of doing something about it.

The problems of modern manhood are not to big for God. He has a huge vision for His men--the very standard of Jesus Christ. And if you are willing, you can be a part of one of the most amazing, God-inspired reformations in history--a radical return of manhood as God intended it to be, in all its glory, strength, nobility, and honor.

~Leslie Ludy 

August 20, 2011

Polishing the Pulpit Weekend...

PTP was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! As always!
This year only mom, the sister, and I were able to go. :( We had a wonderful time!

I loved the time we had to spend with fellow Christians worshipping our God and fellowshipping with each other. Not to mention, there were some fabulous speakers this year. 

On our way to PTP!

What we wore during the Modesty Fashion Show

I enjoyed meeting new friends and spending time with old ones. 
I was finally able to meet Melissa. I adore her! She is such a sweet person (even if you did steal my goody bag! ;)

One afternoon, we were able to go out shopping with the Hays' girls. They are so sweet and I treasure their friendship.

We just couldn't resist!

One night, the teens went bowling.....

So cool.....

I love random having this many people in the back seat of a suburban legal? Probably not. :P

Love these girlie's.

Three of the most wonderful people in the world...the Smith sisters.

August 19, 2011

Alphabet Photo: Extraordinary Bubble

Number 36 on my 50 in 1001 page is to take a picture for each letter of the alphabet. I have been kind of slacking on this deepest apologies. ;) Here is the next letter....

Extraordinary Bubble
Okay, okay, I know, this should be "B" for "Bubble" but I chose it to be the letter "E." This picture just goes to show you that washing dishes isn't so boring. ;P Depending on the washing liquid you use, you may just walk in the kitchen one day, like I did, and see this....truly amazing.

August 18, 2011

This is War!

I am so looking forward to this event and would love to see you there! Check out Mrs. Cindy Colley's Blog to register.

August 17, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

You can dress modestly on a thrifty budget...;D

It's so amazing what you can find at thrift stores! ;D

Brown Under Shirt: Thrift Store in Bay Minette
Plaid Shirt: Guess where?....Thrift Store in Bay Minette 
Brown skirt: Thrift Store in Birmingham
Brown flip-flops: Jamaica Straw Market ;)
Jewelry: Gifts from different people
Jelly Watch: I bought it at a dollar store here in town for $13.00.

August 15, 2011


Have we ever felt down and out about something?
Do we ever need some motivation?
How can we stay motivated?

~Focus on the positive instead of the negative things.

2. Keep our reservoirs full of encouragement, faith, and hope.

- Keep the end result of our journey in sight.

four. Tell ourselves that we are on the right road. Does it lead to peace and happiness or does it lead to destruction?

I pray that you...stay motivated.

August 12, 2011

Rescue the Perishing

But others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire...
Jude 23

While visiting her friend, Howard Doane, in Cincinnati, Fanny Crosby, the blind hymnist, was asked to speak to a group of blue collar workers. Near the end of her address, she had an overwhelming sense that "some mother's boy" before her "must be rescued that night or not at all." She mentioned this to the crowd, pleading, "If there is a dear boy here tonight who has perchance wandered away from his mother's home and his mother's teaching, would he please come to me at the close of the service?"

Afterward a young man of about eighteen approached her. "Did you mean me?" he asked. "I promised my mother to meet her in heaven, but the way I have been living, I don't think that will be possible now." Fanny had the joy of leading him to Christ.

Returning to her room that night, all she could think about was the theme "rescue the perishing," and when she retired that night she had written the complete hymn. The next day, Howard Doane wrote the music, and it was published the following year in his Songs of Devotion.

Many years later, Fanny was speaking at the YMCA in Lynn, Massachusetts, and she recounted the story behind "Rescue the Perishing." After the service, a man approached her, his voice quivering. "Miss Crosby," he said, "I was that boy who told you more than thirty-five years ago that I had wandered from my mother's God. That evening you spoke, I sought and found peace, and I have tried to live a consistent Christian life ever since. If we never meet again on earth, we will meet up yonder." He turned and left, unable to say another word. But Fanny later described it as one of the most gratifying experiences of her life.

This song served as a prelude to Fanny Crosby's second career. About age sixty, she began working in downtown rescue missions, spending several days a week in lower Manhattan, witnessing to the down-and-out. Despite her fame as a hymnwriter, she chose to live in near poverty in New York's ghettos, for she felt a calling to minister to the needy. Just a few blocks from her little tenement apartment was the Bowery, a haunt for alcoholics and where every kind of vice flourished. There Fanny would go day after day to rescue the perishing.

Taken from the book: Then Sings My Soul

August 11, 2011


We are but minutes--little things
Each one furnished with sixty wings,
With which we fly down on our unseen track,
And not a minute ever comes back.
We are but minutes; use us well,
For how we are used, we must one day tell.
Who uses minutes, has hours to use;
Who loses minutes, whole years must lose.

August 10, 2011

Answering the Guy Questions: Intro

Another book by Leslie Ludy is titled Answering the Guy Questions. It has so much "good stuff" included in it, that I thought I would share. In the introduction, Leslie writes:

Even though this is a book about guys, I want to emphasize that Jesus Christ, not guys, must always remain the center of our existence. When we have a Christ-consumed heart, guys no longer dominate our thoughts, our actions, and our decisions. Rather, the Lover of our soul captivates us so completely that every guy we meet clearly sees that Jesus is, and always will be, the number one Prince of our heart.

Until Jesus Christ is the obsession of your heart, you'll always be looking to mere men to meet needs only He can fill.

When you become consumed with Jesus Christ, dealing with guys becomes far less confusing!

Set-apart femininity can change the world. May this book inspire you to fully realize this reality.

August 09, 2011

This Is the Stuff

P.S. You might wanna scroll to the bottom of the page and pause the background music. :)

August 08, 2011

Love Story: Brian and Kim

Brian and Kim

How many years have you been married?
17 years.  Praise the Lord! 

Tell us a little about your courtship story and how you met:
We met in a Singles Sunday School class.  Brian got my number from a mutual friend after meeting me after class.  Our first date was a Sunday lunch following church.  He then took me to a local park by the river where we walked and talked for a few hours.  We lived an hour apart, therefore, it was not easy to see each other throughout the week.  On our second date, Brian came to where I lived and took me to a nice restaurant and a movie.  Following the movie, we talked until the wee hours of the morning.  Between the first and second dates, I had asked him a looong list of questions.  He told me later he felt like he was being interrogated – and he was!  I knew that I was not going to waste my time with someone I could not see myself with in a marriage relationship.  I did not want to play games, and was not afraid to let him know that.  Well, that did not drive him away!  I wanted him to meet my family – it was important that they liked him…they did!  Within a few months of dating, we knew we were going to get married.  He was drawn to me being spunky.  I was drawn to him being a leader.  We were drawn to each other, because we loved God and wanted to put Him first in our lives.

Did either of you become a Christian while courting or after marriage?
We were both believers when we met.  At this point in my life (at the age of 26), I would not have dated a man who was not a committed Christian. 

Tell us about your special day. Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Our wedding day was one of the happiest days in my life.  At the end of the evening my cheeks hurt, because I smiled non stop!  I was one giddy girl totally excited about the man I was beginning a life with.  We were surrounded by our closest friends and family.  Our bridesmaids and groomsmen are still some of our dearest and best friends.  I was a middle school special education teacher, and my students were a part of our wedding party.  It was wonderful having them with me prior to the wedding and being a part of our day.  My mother made my wedding gown and all of the bridesmaid dresses.  One of my favorite pictures is of my sweet Daddy walking me down the aisle – he looked so handsome in his tux and it was a thrill to live the moment of being on his arm going to meet my husband – an exchange of sorts, very profound. 
We went to an all inclusive resort on the island of St. Lucia.  It was beautiful, and extremely relaxing.  We were able to tour the island, snorkel, and be together 24/7 without interruptions. 

What was your first home like? Any new traditions you would like to share that you started together after marriage?
We rented our first home, and it was not a good situation!  The owner of the home did not care about the upkeep, and we often had buckets sitting all over our den to catch water leaks when it rained!  In hindsight, we learned from our mistakes in being too hasty to find a place to live and staying somewhere too long…we should have moved sooner than later!
We began the tradition of celebrating holidays with spiritual significance.  We wanted to honor Christ over Santa and the Easter Bunny. 

What was your first year of marriage like? What is one thing you would say to someone who has just gotten married or who will in the future?
Our first year of marriage was not pretty!  We had a very difficult time adjusting to married life.  Those difficulties stemmed out of sin in our lives – pride, pride and pride.  Did I say pride?  We made numerous mistakes in those first twelve months that took us down roads of heartache.  We chose to make decisions without wise counsel, and for that we had a price to pay.  We were shocked at how hard it was to live together!  We could talk for hours on the phone while dating, and thought we knew everything about each other, but once we lived together we were quite surprised by what we did not know!  Due to immaturity (both in our mid-20’s) and pride, we both shut down in our communication, which only created more strife and difficulties in our young marriage. 
I remember vividly going to an older woman for advice when I was stumbling around in shock over my not having a “happily ever after.”  I poured my heart out, grumbled, complained, cried.  She listened.  Then, without hesitation she said, “Kim, satan wants your marriage to be destroyed.  God wants to use you both in His Kingdom, and satan will do everything he can to stop your marriage.” With that, she encouraged me to fight against the powers that raged around us, powers that are of this dark world and spiritual forces of evil.  (Ephesians 6:10-18)
Little did I know that was only the beginning of fighting for what God wanted in our lives over what the deceiver of mankind wanted.  I wish I could say her words made everything better immediately, but in reality they did not.  It took many years of dying to ourselves, living for Jesus, asking forgiveness, granting forgiveness, and fighting hard for what we knew we truly wanted in our marriage.  Those are our daily tasks that makes our marriage strong today, by the grace of God and no less. 
I encourage young lovers to seek first the Kingdom of God.  Fall in love with Jesus above any one else.  He is the only One who can meet all your needs – and HE WANTS TO!  Do not let any one person draw you away from your first Love.  When people are jealous of your relationship with Jesus, you are doing something right.  Get involved in a Bible study. 
Secondly, surround yourselves with like minded believers and older adults who have traveled down the road of marriage.  Brian and I would not have the marriage we have today without the mentorship of older couples in our lives.  Realize no one has the perfect marriage, but you can learn from their mistakes and victories. 
If you are not yet married, DO NOT SETTLE FOR LESS THAN GOD’S BEST FOR YOU!  If you are pursuing a relationship with God, He will guide your path in a finding a mate.  Ask boldly before His throne of grace.  Work on yourself-ask God to show you what you need to become for your future mate.  Enjoy every day of being single. Take advantage of this time in your life to pursue your goals and dreams. Learn to be content in singleness.

What were your parenting years like? How many children do you have?
We have two children who are now in middle school – so we are still in the midst of parenting!  God has used our parenthood to show us His love, grace, and mercy beyond anything else in our lives!  Parenting has humbled us, revealed sin areas in our lives, and drawn us closer in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Would you like to share some of your greatest challenges and what you learned from them?
Brian is an entrepreneur – it is in his DNA.  We have had a few business “challenges” in our 17 years together.  We had to learn to work together.  I had to learn to embrace his God given gift of vision in business. 
We had to learn how to speak each other’s love language.  I recommend Gary Smalley’s book, The Five Love Languages.  This takes us dying to ourselves, putting Christ first, and loving each other when we do not feel it!  Love is not a feeling, it is an action.
We have learned God is our Source and Strength.  Our family is not our source and strength, this country is not our source and strength, and we are not each other’s source and strength.  God has shown Himself to us over and over again…He alone is Faithful.  Family disappoints, church disappoints, civil leaders disappoints, husbands and wives disappoints – but God Almighty never disappoints!
At the most unhealthy and unhappy time in our marriage, I sought Christian counseling.  It saved my life and our marriage.  Brian did not want me to go to counseling (remember the pride issue?), but I went anyway.  Now he would tell you it was the greatest thing that has happened to us.  We both know God continues to use what we learned from that very dark period in our lives to draw us closer to Him and to help others.

Any last advice you would like to give to a young lady, newly married, or woman who has been married awhile?
With all that said, I am married to my best friend, the funniest man I know, the provider for my family, father of my children, my greatest fan.  I am so blessed to have Brian in my life.  I was foolish to think marriage would be easy.  Through the hardships we have walked through with God's help and direction, our love has grown and taken on deep roots.  We are no longer foolish to think hard times will never come again.  We are on the look out for problem areas, constantly working on communicating with each other, making each other the priority over our children.  We love week-end getaways without the kids, and consistent date nights.  It keeps our marriage fresh and romance alive.  We now see the mystery of Christ's love for his church and the parallel of marriage between man and wife.  It draws us closer to Christ as we draw closer to each other.  And that is "happily ever after."

August 06, 2011

Jamaica: Part Five

This and that on the island.....

A sign that we saw driving down one of the paths that they call roads...

....and then we met this! Ahhh! We had to pull totally off the road to let this Big Boy pass.

A nine passenger van....with twenty people.

The whole group. Two states and five congregations represented.

Homeward Bound!

Carl had this amazing idea of letting our suitcases down from the third floor with a rope. It was working fine until the rope broke....and Carl got a rope burn. :(

Loading up the vans

Everybody was squashed in the vans like sardines. Poor Sis!

On the way home....

....we're here! Atlanta!

Waiting for the vans to come pick us up. Next stop...Cracker Barrel for some dinner!

August 05, 2011

Jamaica: Part Four

...and a gospel meeting at night...

All the new brothers and sisters in Christ

Girls attempting to put corn rows in Dallas' hair. ;P

One of the women from our group obeyed the gospel and was baptized for the remission of her sins. The next night, her daughter made the same decision. We were so excited!

Stay tuned...there's one more part!

August 04, 2011

Mysterious Girl

Chad Eastham puts it this way.....

One of the best and also the most frustrating things guys will say about girls is that they can't figure them out. But one of the greatest things about you is that we can't figure you out. You are mysterious. I know alot of girls who say they have a hard time figuring themselves out, so imagine what it's like for us. It's also one of God's best designs. There is something incredibly important, natural, and healthy about having a little mystery to you. This means you will want to reserve some of those thoughts, hopes, and feelings for later. Too much of a good thing can still be too much. This includes you.

How accessible are you? Think about your answers to the following questions:

1- Are the lines of communication to you always open?
2- Are you easy to get a hold of?
3- Do you answer all the questions guys ask you, even if they don't feel appropriate or they make you uncomfortable?

A mysterious girl is a healthy girl. If diamonds were common and were lying around on the ground, they wouldn't be as desirable; they would just be rocks. We don't hunt all over the world for common rocks; it's the ones that are less accessible, harder to find, and therefore more valuable that we desire.

Consider becoming a little more like a diamond and stray away from becoming a rock. 

August 03, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

Dressing modestly on a thrifty budget....

Brown shirt- Buy 1 get 1 free Dollar General special ;)
Necklace- Christmas gift from a cousin
Pearl Earrings- Christmas gift from friends

August 02, 2011

They Are "So Together"....

Let me tell you something funny!
Today is Nana and Grandaddy's 53rd anniversary.

They sat down this morning for breakfast and shared their cards with each other. They both opened their card and it was the same card!

Granddaddy had purchased his card at Dollar General in Millbrook and Nana had purchased her card at Dollar Tree in Prattville, but nevertheless, they had chosen the same card.
On the front the card read: We've got everything!
Inside read: Because we've got each other. Happy Anniversary!

Isn't that sweet?!

August 01, 2011

Jamaica: Part Three

Vacation Bible School during the day....

Craft time...weaving baskets was a BIG hit!

Coloring the beautiful grape pictures.

So cute!....

Singing VBS Songs...old and new.

Mom teaching in the outdoor classroom. :)

The brother did a fabulous job with teaching the kids their memory verses throughout the week.

I wonder who is gonna win? The brother or the boys? ;D

Loved this baby boy!

The whole VBS group

That's not all folks!.....

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