August 29, 2011

Answering the Guy Questions: Chapter Two

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Chapter Two
Warrior-Poet Manhood

God created marriage--and everything leading up to it--to be a picture of heaven on earth. he created men to be a picture of the heroic manhood of Christ. He wants no less for you. No matter what the culture says, He is asking you not to settle.

So what exactly is a warrior-poet?

A warrior-poet has made a sacred covenant with his holy King. He has chosen to deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Christ. He no longer lives to please his own selfish desires. He lives to please his Lord. He is not seeking to draw attention to himself but to draw all eyes to Jesus. As John the Baptist said, "He must increase, I must decrease" (John 3:30). That's the motto of the warrior-poet's life. 

Christian young men are a dime a dozen. There are even many that seem to be a cut above the rest when it comes to their Christian values. But Christian values aren't the ingredients that make a true warrior-poet. A true warrior-poet emerges only when a man makes the decision to lay down self and take up Christ; to exchange his very life for the indwelling life of Jesus Christ and let all of his own dreams, desires, pursuits, and pleasures be swallowed up in an all-consuming passion for the Prince of his soul.

The best way to find a Christ-like warrior-poet is to stop searching for one. Focus on your intimate love-relationship with Jesus Christ, and He will be more than faithful to bring a Christ-built man into your life in His own perfect time and way. It's amazing how God brings like-minded men and women together when we actually step back and give Him the chance to work.

Many young women ask me how high their standards for a guy should be. Is a warrior-poet one who perfectly reflects the manhood of Jesus Christ? What if there are still evidences of selfishness or immaturity in his life? Does that mean he's not the real thing?

The mark of a warrior-poet does not lie in his perfection, but in the direction of his life. Is he aiming for the world or aiming for Christ? Is he eagerly pursuing more of Christ or is he preoccupied with himself? If his life's direction is pointed toward "less of me and more of Him," then he has the warrior-poet blood within his veins, even if God has not yet rasped and refined all the rough edges of his masculinity. If he has made Christ the center of his existence, then Christ will be more faithful to smooth away the wrinkles and refine him more and more into His divine likeness.

Set-apart women, take heart--Christ-built warrior-poets do exist in today's world! In fact, you have a very important role in raising up even more of them. We, as women, are not helpless victims to the discouraging trends of modern manhood. If we are willing, we can actually become instruments of change and allow God's Spirit to work in and through us to convert mediocre men into the triumphant knights whom we've always dreamed of.

~Leslie Ludy

2 says:

Traci said...

Eric and Leslie Ludy's writing is amazing! Thank you for doing a fantastic job or posting her work on your blog! I love it and I am so inspired and want to be just like the person she is trying to depicit! Thank you Leslie and Eric and thank you Marli! I appreciate it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 :)

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Looks like an interesting read! Thanks for sharing :)

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