January 24, 2014

the kids need to know.

this is the world.

it's a pretty cool place. 

....there's corndogs....

singing, dancing, and laughing.
laughing's the best.

some days, gross things will happen.
some days, awesome things will happen.

some days, you'll get ice cream.
some days you won't.

some days, your kite will fly high.
some days it'll get stuck in the tree.

it's just how it is.

you should give people high fives for just for getting out of bed.
...high fives are liiiike, hitting someone who is your friend...
uhhh, that's really bad.

just treat everybody like it's their birthday...

the biggest mess-up...not forgiving each other's mess-ups.

you're awesome.
you're made that way.

you're made from love, to be love, to spread love.
let love be louder.
(corn dogs rule!)

i'm really glad you're here.

you're going to be important.
you're going to do a lot.

remember to let everybody know that you're glad they're here.

you're awake.
you're awesome.
live like it.

--just some awesome encouragement from kid prez

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