June 05, 2013

zoo with the two.

Today was perfect.

A chance of rain was predicted in the forecast, but no rain was to be found.

Mom, Sis, and I left our house to go pick up the two.

We were going to have a fun day at the zoo.

Blessings abounded.

The little boy:
our minister's grandson.
a ball of energy.
talkative and too smart.
a sweet prayer-sayer at our picnic.
the holder of the map--our guide.

The little girl:
full of sweetness.
another friend from church.
kept the little boy in line--hilarious.
fellow swinger on the swing set.
my sunglasses snatcher.

The sis:
full of unexpected surprises.
my best friend.
zebra print purse carrier.
picnic assistant.
leader of the pack.
(i mean, leader for me. if it wasn't for her, i would get lost everywhere. i. went.)

The mom:
lunch preparer.
queen swinger of the kids in the swings.
assistant guide to the little boy.
carrier of great surprise outings.

Blessings abounded today...

swing sets and sightings of tigers.

playgrounds and new friends.

peeks at mr. rhino and peacocks that howl (or is it yelling?...).  

sweet little ladies and tough little boys.

floating turtles and mini birds that eat out of your hand.

colorful birds and pink, sleeping flamingos.

thrilling train rides and yelling through dark tunnels.

yummy pb&j sandwiches with tortilla chips/wheat thins.

After little boy said the most precious prayer to bless our food for lunch, I said, 
"That was a great prayer!"

He replied:
"Thank you, I made it up myself."

Yup, got to love those 5-year-olds.


benches to rest on and an armband for entry.

silly faces and maps to tell.

yellow and white anaconda's and camouflaged tree frogs. 

sweet hugs and breaks at the water fountain.

How I love these people.

Today was abounding in blessings.

6 says:

Amanda said...

Cute post :) I LOVE the zoo!

Susannah said...

What a fun trip to the park! :-)

Susannah said...

And by "park" I mean zoo. ;-)

Denise said...

So cute! Love zoo days.

Vicki said...

Love this post! It looks like a wonderful day at the zoo.(: speaking of which...now I really feel like taking a trip to the zoo, haha! I haven't been in forever!

Decked Out in Ruffles

marie said...

I am giving a talk to all the young woman in my talk this week about having a positive attitude. You my dear are such a perfect example of that. Have a great week! & I always love going to the zoo. To see it through a child's eyes is so much fun.

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