June 12, 2013

kinder than you feel.

                                                                         //Source via Pinterest//

Ever just have "one of those days?" 

one of those days where you want to be grumpy and snap back at everyone who talks to you.

one of those days where you were late for work and you had to stop at all the red lights because they turned red making you even later.

one of those days where somebody decided to pull out right in front of you so you had to slam on the breaks.

one of those days where your family just wasn't acting the way you wanted them to act.

one of those days where it rained just when you had the perfect day planned.

I can definitely say that I have had "one of those days" before.

But, I tell myself everyday just how blessed I am.

That the smile and kind words that I share might just be the only positive thing she/he hears that day.

Let's have a "one of those days" that is happy and one that we can talk positively about for days to come.

Happy day, everybody.

4 says:

Liv said...

Normally when I have a grumpy day I initially think that I am coming in contact with so many annoying, grumpy people...them it dons on me that its me having the attitude. Thanks for the reminder that being like Jesus doesn't get to start and stop when I feel like it. Happy Wednesday

Anonymous said...

Thank you so so much for your comment. I am so thankful for your friendship. God knew I needed you in my life!

With that said, YES, I have had those days and need this reminder!

Jennifer said...

gosh I love your heart. and your posts. and you. :)


Susannah said...

What a great reminder! Those days come too often in my profession and I really do try to always be kinder than I feel! Thanks for this, dear!

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