Dear Mosquito's and Gnats,
Would you please bug off?! I'm trying to enjoy my walk and you're not helping matters any.
Dear McAlister's Deli Manager,
Since we are in your store almost every week, that you for making our night by saying that sentence: "It's on me tonight." *Cue the tears....*
Dear Stop-and-Go Traffic,
You aren't so bad. You just gave me that much more time to spend with the brother....listening to law lectures and hearing all of Cha-Cha's pick-up lines. ;)
Dear "Adopted" Little Sis,
Thank you for coming to visit. You are one of the best little girls EVER!! If it weren't for you, Henny and Penny would not be named.
Dear Henny and Penny,
You are so faithful. Your 2 eggs everyday are so amazing. FYI, I admire you for putting up with that early-bird rooster of yours.
Dear Pollen,
I never knew what allergies were until you came along...
Dear World,
You are really scaring me in the direction you are heading...just thought I'd let you know.
Dear Lord,
Please save the sinful.... Thank you for taking care of the faithful....
9 says:
Love this! Dear Friday thank you for coming...
oh, allergies, definitely no fun!
BAHAHA! Literally just laughed aloud about Henny and Penny and them putting up with the loud rooster. Hysertical. Love our McAlister's manager! One of these days we're gonna find out his name!
Do you have chickens named Henny and Penny?? ;o) If you do, that's pretty awesome!
I soooo agree about the mosquitoes. My mom always told me they bit me so much because I was so sweet. Does yours tell you that, too?
LOVE these letters! :)
and i agree with you about our world...scary.
That manager knows how to keep his customers happy :D
what are cha-cha pick up lines?! i want to hear some!! :)
xo TJ
Oh wow, dear world, I totally agree. It's really scary. I just think that Jesus is coming back soon!!
I love that the stop and go traffic really turned into a good thing! :] Thank goodness for little blessings like that! And yay for getting some free food at McAlister's! That is so sweet!!
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