1,000 Things

This is my Blessing List. I am taking the challenge of thinking of 1,000 things over the next few months (okay...years.), and writing them in a journal and sharing them with you on the blog. ;) 
I have so many!
I am truly a blessed girl!

Began May 25, 2011....

1. The Word of God
2. The colors brown and pink...together
3. Sweet Pea scent
4. Blogging days
5. Walks (and jogs) down the driveway
6. Cold diet coke
7. Sand in between my toes
8. Long road trips
9. Stars galore
10. Family nights
11. Recent auto-biographies
12. The cool breeze after a hot day
13. Encouraging words
14. Newborn babies
15. Singing songs with friends
16. Cookouts with hot dogs AND hamburgers
17. Songs by Jonny Diaz and 33Miles
18. Cute skirts
19. The book in the Bible called Ruth
20. Big purses... I mean like, suitcases ;P
21. Horses so gigantic
22. Flip flops
23. Lads to Leaders weekend
24. My church family
25. Close friendships
26. Area Wide Singings
27. Neighbors so friendly
28. Clothes to iron
29. Camp stew
30. Personalized jewelry
31. Dogwood blossoms
32. The number ten
33. Skype
34. Spring break
35. Canon 40D camera and everything that comes with it
36. Parents who love the Lord and each other
37. Text messages
38. Tubing on the lake
39. Healing wounds
40. Curly hair
41. Big 4wd trucks
42. Dell laptops
43. Snow in Virginia
44. College lectureships
45. 8-inch thick scrapbooks
46. Baking homemade bread
47. College and all the work that goes along with it
48. Duct tape
49. Making memories
50. Any kind of food...except sushi
51. Mission trips in Jamaica
52. Fresh cut wood
53. Homemade biscuits
54. The smell of leather
55. Swinging in the swing
56. My church children
57. Jelly watches
58. Sleeping in the loft with the sister on cool nights
59. Apple iPods
60. Brown sunglasses
61. Horses...everything about them
62. Volunteer firemen so quick
63. Sweet yellow corn
64. Rodeos so thrilling
65. The feeling you have after a hard days work in the hay fields
66. The store Target
67. Ross sun dresses
68. Cookie dough ice cream
69. Taking a nap on rainy days
70. Operating an excavator
71. Letters from pen pals
72. Polka dots so cool
73. Funny jokes
74. The calm after a storm
75. Sunroofs wide open
76. Red barns
77. Riding into work with the brother
78. Computer shortcuts
79. Interstates
80. The smell of burnt diesel
81. God's love
82. Safe drivers
83. Chiropractor appointments
84. Dodge dually
85. Journal entries
86. Guitar pickin'
87. Chick-fil-A...and the song
88. Christian people
89. Ice water
90. State troopers
91. Pearl earrings
92. Colorful highlighters
93. The peacefulness in the country
94. Coke machines
95. The beginning of every month
96. The sight of wild deer
97. Red Box kiosk
98. Making memories with siblings
99. Pilot G-2 pens
100. The movie Little Women
101. Friends who live on the lake
102. John Deere colored jeeps
103. Bank ATM's
104. Hard working Daddy's
105. Dropping gas prices
106. Pearberry hand sanitizer
107. WD 40
108. Worshipping God with out fear
109. Good words that comfort
110. New friendships
111. Straw messenger bags
112. Honest eBay sellers
113. Mini irons that get hotter than 200 degrees
114. Strawberry lemonade Powerade
115. Sewing machines
116. Scoring 100's on tests
117. Mud puddles
118. Verizon phone service...full coverage ;)
119. Dreams that come true
120. Hot pink finger nail polish
121. The clothesline outside
122. Middle names
123. Bright orange Jamaica shirts
124. 10 loads of laundry...or more
125. Wedding anniversaries
126. Happy and content children
127. Airplane rides without turbulance
128. Updated school evaluations
129. 4-star waitresses at Cracker Barrel
130. Road trips with just us girlies
131. Cruise control
132. Reclining back seats
133. Sunday nights, after church, spent at McAlister's with friends, a club sandwich, and pretzels
134. Lifetime Health and Fitness homework
135. gmail accounts
136. The list after you check everything off of it
137. Notes in random places
138. The aroma inside Daddy's shop
139. Debt free purchases
140. Fall parties with smores
141. Under Armour shirts
142. Walks on the driveway when it is cold outside
143. Hot pink day planners
144. Weekends with just the sis and I
145. Sonic Pumpkin Pie shakes for dinner
146. Gentlemanly gestures
147. Salt blocks half dissolved by a horse's tongue
148. Workout clothes
149. Engagement ring from brother to girlfriend
150. Text message invites
151. The green light to let you know it's "on"
152. Funky designs on socks
153. Rains to settle the dust
154. Vitamin C tablets to make that sore throat go away
155. The history behind a hymn
156. A nudge from a horse and then the horse slobber that's left behind
157. The prayers of friends and family
158. The full moon on a clear fall night
159. Calming classical music at the end of the day
160. The roar of the brothers truck pulling in the driveway
161. The fuzzy warm winter coat of a horse
162. A hot shower when you are freezing cold
163. Stopping to help people on the side of the road
164. The talk of a 5-year-old
165. Pale pink sunsets
166. Civil war reenactments in an open field
167. Pouffy dresses and hoop skirts
168. The excitement you get when you receive a package in the mail
169. A computer that loads quickly
170. Bright yellow highlighters
171. Late night chit-chats
172. A new desk at work
173. Figuring out a new computer program without having to ask for help
174. Somebody when they tell you that they are praying for you
175. Roller coasters so wild
176. 20-something degree weather
177. Receiving Christmas cards in the mail
178. Good hair and make-up days
179. Thinking of something that morning and God fulfilling it that day.
180. Used school books and fresh semesters
181. A tutor for Accounting woes
182. Google+ accounts
183. Starting books and completing them
184. Neighbor boys racing on the country road
185. Campaigning efforts
186. Closed shower curtains
187. Medicine to make people better
188. Moving to the music, driving down the road with the brother
189. The excitement you see when two people are in love
190. Matchmaking friends.
191. Fellowship meals at church
192. A nap on a rainy day
193. Mid-week Bible studies so glorious
194. Pre-registering for Bible lectureships
195. New Skype accounts
196. Movies that inspire
197. Headlights that pierce through a foggy night
198. A sister's love
199. A happy baby
200. Being on time
201. The amazing gadgets at the chiropractor's office to make a neck feel better
202. An Arby's roast beef and cheddar sandwich with fries
203. Big, vintage houses and the smell in it
204. The money to pay
205. Driving right to a house without getting lost
206. 79-year-old Accounting tutors
207. A new look after a hair cut
208. A lady cross guard with very animated hand motions
209. The surprise of insurance paying all but $5 of a doctor's visit
210. Comments from blogger friends
211. 30 minute drives with the seester in the pouring rain
212. Pulling up as close to the gate as possible so that the sis's hair wouldn't go flat...mission accomplished.
213. Ice packs so comforting
214. A seat saved by a friend
215. Packed out church building filled with fellow Christians, singing praise to God
216. Mornings to sleep in late
217. Texts from the brother that make me smile
218. A check to deposit
219. A new scent of body mist
220. Bridesmaid dress so blue
221. Instagram accounts
222. M&M shirts
223. Accounting I and II that's completed! Woot! Woot! :)
224. Finals that are done
225. High school photo shoots
226. The excitement of wedding shower planning for the bestie
227. Bunnies that dart out in front of you while jogging in the country
228. The prayer of an Elder
229. The opportunity to teach
230. Healthy, muscular horses
231. Freedom
232. Cured cancer
233. Canoe rides down the creek with the sis and friends
234. Graduation ceremonies at camp
235. John 16:33
236.Friends that fix
237. New findings in the Bible
238. The blender blending a morning smoothie
239. The coolness of an early morning
240. A little friend that wants to sit with you during morning worship
241. Unexpected little blessings
242. Cookies n' Cream yogurt
243. A friend that's "joined at the hip"
244. Peach stands on the side of the road and fresh peaches
245. PTP registration that is complete
246. The anticipation of a brother's wedding
247. An utility trailer full of rehearsal dinner things
248. A new name
249. Thunder off in the distance and the hope of rain
250. New shoes found on clearance
251. The thud of a tree falling
252. Grades entered
253. A prayer mirror
254. Sisters and their friends
255. A souring hawk and its call
256.Money to buy textbooks
257. A smile of a child
258. Tupperware dishes
259. The first gear on a bike
260. Rain holding off for a playday outside
261. Wind blowing in your face going downhill
262. The feeling of freedom
263. Early morning jogs with the sister by my side
264. A refreshing glass of ice water with lemon
265. A redneck pipe to slide on
266. Brisk breezes
267. The ability to run and play
268. Pinterest inspirations
269. Singing in the truck with brother and sisters
270. Country skylines
271. Onion rings and BBQ sauce
272. Freshly painted fingernails and toes
273. A neighborly wave
274. Jogging with the sunrise
275. A God who is still on the throne
276. Chit-chats with a girlie friend
277. Jolly Christmas tree guys at Lowe's
278. Songs about marshmallows
279. New pencil pens
280. A daddy who gives cash
281. Sunday night devo in Callaway gazebo
282. A picture with Mickey instead of Santa
283. The thrill of a roller coaster ride
284. Phone calls that last until the new year
285. Bible reading plans
286. New stripes on a freshly paved road
287. Times spent with the bro and sis-in-law
288. A new/used Tahoe paid for debt-free by the brother and wife
289. Nightly runs to Wally World
290. Punching the time clock at 5
291. Sister coming home early and going riding with me
292. 22 by Taylor Swift
293. Choreographed dances by the sis and I while riding horses
294. A neighbor man who laughs at how ridiculous me and the sis are
295. Tacking down after a good ride
296. Dirty fingernails from horse dirt
297. Horses who roll and get dirty
298. Woods in the backyard
299. Guy Harvey T-shirts
300. Twinkle lights in a window
301. Brown Justin boots
302. Fro-yo dates with mom and sister
303. $3 pair earrings
304. Toy shops
305. Maxi dress with jean jacket
306. Cookie dough toppings
307. Red Dot clearance items
308. Dual exhaust on Bronco
309. YouTube music videos
310. Bible study on being holy as God is holy
311. Curly hair after curlers leave
312. The fourth 5k
313. Country scenes
314. The F.F.A. Club
315. A goodie bag filled with good things
316. The excitement of the sister about the snacks at the high school 5k
317. Hearing the cheers of the crows and realizing that it is for you
318. The refreshing taste of Gatorade
319. Cow bell trophies
320. An ATV Gator "pace car"
321. A picture with the Publix dinosaur just because
322. A sister to cheer me on
323. Running buddies
324. A 10k race

To be continued....

2 says:

Nana said...

Marli, I love your list of blessings. Love your selection of music too. Let me know if you get this.

Love you,


Creations By Cindy said...

Enjoyed looking at your list. You must be reading One Thousand Gifts.
Blessings, Cindy

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