June 24, 2015

people need happy people.

people need happy people.

this topic is something very near and dear to my heart.

have you ever walked into a room and said, "really people? get a smile, would ya??" (haha.)

recently, i have been learning even more that positive attitudes can bring lots of happiness and
negative words just don't make the cut.

this being-an-adult stuff is H A R D. it can be easy to tell yourself that you're not going to be positive today.
as a matter of fact, it takes effort to be positive.

don't get me wrong...i have lots of negative moments.

BUT, i would really like to strive to be a happy person.
a positive person.
a person that people would want to hang out with.
a person who is constantly giving compliments instead of negative, tearing-down words.

we never know who needs that positive vibe....everyone needs it!

and once we have that happy and positive spirit, mostly everyone around us will have a happy and positive spirit. happiness is contagious.

here's a challenge.

let us all make an effort to wear a smile and maybe throw out a few compliments here and there and see how the people around us change. i would love to hear your results!

So true!

2 says:

Kim said...

You're right. Positive people do make a huge difference. That is one reason I appreciate my husband. He is the definition of an eternal optimist, and it's "catching!" Now, he does have his moments. Most revolve around broken machinery and ornery cattle.

Thanks for your positive words at Kim's County Line. It was great to hear from you!

Susannah said...

What a great challenge, Marli!!! <3

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