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it was friday.
i was scrolling through my twitter feed when i saw it "BREAKING: Supreme Court says same-sex couples have right to marry in all 50 states."
Right there in the middle of the news of the storms that we'd get that day.
Right there in the middle of the news that said one of the wanted escaped convicted killer prisoners from the new york prison had been found and shot in the head by police.
Right there in the middle of the news that 9 people had been murdered in a charleston church the Wednesday night before by a young man who was only 21 years old.
do we live in a messed up world, or what?
i sat there, stunned, as i continued to read on about "couples" standing. in. line. (WHAT?!) to get a piece of paper to signify that they were married. women were kissing women and men kissing men--so sickeningly unnatural.
God created marriage to be between one MAN and one WOMAN.
some may not agree saying "but Jesus never talked about homosexuality." actually, He did when He defined a God-approved marriage as being between a man and a woman:
and He answered and said unto them,
"have you not read, that he which made them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they both shall be one flesh? wherefore, they are no more two, but one flesh. what wherefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." (matthew 19: 4-6)
if God's Son defines marriage as between a male and a female, all other combinations or alterations are implicitly prohibited.
when the apostles and disciples later specifically condemned homosexuality (romans 1:26-27; 1 corinthians 6:9-10; jude 7), they were speaking with Christ's authority. Jesus told His disciples that whatever He did not tell them in His earthly life, His Holy Spirit would tell them later (john 16:12-13). undeniably, "all scripture is given by the inspiration of God" (2 timothy 3:16-17).
Jesus did condemn homosexuality in His New Testament.
man can legalize any sin he wants.
since Satan is deeply involved with the affairs of this world (2 corinthians 4:4), you can expect sin to become increasingly rampant. yet just because some forms of murder (abortion), drug use, drinking and homosexuality are legal does not make them right.
"we ought to obey God rather than men." (acts 5:29)
it is so upsetting to see people who wear the name of Christ and come out in support of so-called "marriage equality." they are basically saying: "it is okay to embrace your homosexual desires. you don't have to fight temptation anymore. don't pay any attention to what the Bible says. it is outdated and irrelevant to today's culture anyways."
the Bible is not a "living document" in that it changes with culture.
it never becomes 'outdated.' Jesus Christ and His New Testament are just as relevant today as they were 2,000 years ago. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (hebrews 13:8). the Bible is God's Word (2 timothy 3:16-17; 2 peter 1:21).
how can our Almighty Creator take a back seat to our petty human culture?
to approve of homosexuality is to be guilty of the sin itself.
"who knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them" (romans 1:32; 2:1-5).
how can i say i love God while telling people it is okay to disregard His Word?
people wearing Christ's name who disgracefully support and encourage legalized homosexual marriages justify their apostasy under the guise of 'love' or 'tolerance.'
is it really 'love' to encourage someone to live in sin?
i believe tolerance of sin is the true essence of hatred.
how much do you really have to hate someone to say: "i'm okay with the fact your soul is lost"?
there were some Christians in corinth who were formerly practicing homosexuals (1 corinthians 6:9-11). yet when they became Christians, they were told to stop.
brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins (james 5:19-20).
some Christians have been categorized as 'mean' Christians.
some seem bent on antagonizing people who really just need our support and encouragement.
should Christians ever be defined as "hostile" or "mean"?
whenever we meet someone who wrestles with homosexuality, we need to respond to him or her as Jesus would.
when the crowd came to Jesus, matthew reports that He reacted with "compassion for them" (matthew 9:35-38).
is that how you first respond to people who have a sin problem?
do you feel compassion?
when the rich young ruler came to Him (and Jesus knew the man had a spiritual heart problem), Jesus "looked at him and loved him" (mark 10:21).
do you love people who have a heart problem in relation to homosexuality?
let's treat homosexuality as Jesus did:
-let's hate sin.
-let's be compassionate toward people who are living in sin.
-let's encourage people who are fighting sin.
-let's love people enough to expose sin.
-let's rescue people from the bondage of sin and lead them to the loving arms of Christ.
homosexuality is a sin.
(genesis 19:4-11, 23-29; leviticus 18:22; 20:13; 1 corinthians 6:9-10; jude 7)
yet it is no greater or lesser a sin than any other sin.
all sin will keep a person out of Heaven.
(1 corinthians 6:9-10; galations 5:19-21)
the remedy to sin is the blood of Jesus Christ.
one must initially "repent and be baptized for the remission of sins" (acts 2:38; acts 22:16; romans 6:4) to be cleansed.
to "repent" means to 'change' or turn away from sin.'
one cannot continue in sin and expect God's Grace to save him (romans 6:1-2).
a practicing homosexual cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven so long as he is practicing and embracing homosexuality.
by: ben giselbach
first published march 27, 2013
WHY are we celebrating this sin?
according to this website's article:
"tonight the white house was lit to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to progress and equality, here in America and around the world" the white house said in a statement. "the pride colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community, and tonight, these colors celebrate a new chapter in the history of American civil rights."
not only the white house was bathed in the colors of the rainbow, but the one world trade center in new york city, niagara falls, several city halls including those in san francisco and denver, and even cinderella's castle in walt disney world.
and here we are, celebrating with colors of the rainbow.
and if i remember correctly a rainbow was the symbol that was known for GOD promising not to flood the world again after he had destroyed all the evil, sinful people.
Christians, we need to get on our knees and start doing some serious praying for
the ones who believe the lie that they will find happiness in 'marrying' a person of the same sex.
the leaders of this country.
the mothers and fathers who are trying to raise Godly children in this world.
the children who are fighting to let their Christian light shine and not to succumb to the pleasures of the world.
God hears the prayer of the righteous and there is getting to be fewer and fewer righteous people.