November 07, 2013

y'all are so cool.

i just feel so loved and blessed right now.

this thing called blogging can be amazing when it wants to be.

sometimes it can be a headache when you think: "oh man. i haven't posted in a week!"

and then again, when you share your joys and sorrows, bloggy friends just come out of the woodwork and leave lots of love in that comment box down there.

that's what y'all did on that last post of mine i published.

just in case i haven't told y'all...

y'all are so cool.

(and just because a post isn't complete without a picture.)

this was today's reminder on instagram

ladies (and guys too), remember that you are more than what you see. 

you are treasured.

you are valued.

you are loved.

who cares if that zit won't go away on your chin or your bald spot was showing extra especially today. 
you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the most amazing Creator--God.

2 says:

Rachel said...

:) Blogging is a pretty fun hobby to have! I know I'm blessed by all the encouragement!

Ragan said...

This is so sweet! And so true. I haven't left you a comment yet but I've been meaning to - I'm really bad about reading but never commenting! I'm so glad you found my blog, I have read a ton of your old posts and it was great fun. Getting to catch up with an old friend who I literally haven't seen in YEARS!!! I'm so glad you found me. :)

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