November 06, 2013

enjoy it.

Image of PETERSEN Poster "Enjoy it"
                                                                                   //Source via Pinterest//

it has been hard.

hard to realize that my sister is now married and is living in her own house with her new hubby.
hard to realize that she is an 1 1/2 hours away and i am not able to see her everyday.
hard because when she comes to visit, it's just that, a visit. her bronco drives away at the end.
hard because i'm the only one listening to taylor swift pandora now. instead of hers playing just as loud across the hall.
hard because we aren't walking into sunday school together or sitting side by side in worship anymore.

yes, it's been hard. and yes, my mom and i both have shed tears.


it's also easy.

it's easy to know that she is married to one of the best Christian men out there.
it's easy to know that that 1 1/2 hour long drive is manageable and we can visit as often as she invites us.
*wink wink*
it's easy because now, it's a treat to see that bronco pull up in the yard and it's something we can look forward to.
it's easy because now, i'm hooked on bluegrass radio instead of tay-tay.
it's easy knowing that she has a manly man who will lead her in the paths of righteousness and who will be her spiritual provider. she has a husband who will make sure that they are both at church every time the doors are open.

that's what makes it easy.

yup, i still have my "missing my sister a lot days," but, i have chosen to embrace it.

to enjoy it.

because it is happening.

life happens.

things change.

here's to being happy with life and change.

6 says:

Rachel said...

That is a really hard transition when it all comes at once! I had moved out of my family's house (because I had to come to America for college) two years before I got married, so marriage didn't seem like such a huge transition point for me--moving to college was the hard one!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

you are such an amazing sister, Marli!! Memory is lucky to have a big sister who adores her

Susannah said...

Awww... I love what a special relationship your sister and you have!

Jennifer said...

I love you so.

praying for you daily, Marli.


Liv said...

AH! I can relate 100%. You're SO happy but yet SO sad because your world has completely changed. Last September was the roughest month I've lived through yet. I lost my roommate of the past 20 years, the person that I could borrow clothes, hair products, and make up from in a pinch. She's the one that I have the best, nostalgic memories with from childhood. One of my very best friends. The day after my sisters wedding, my brother headed west for the next 1.5 months. So within two days I am an only child. And then 20 days later...all in boyfriend of 8mo. decides he's not really interested in dating me anymore. Talk about an out of the blue shocker. Thank the Lord He has provided me with some amazing girlfriends that did everything they could to help with all the change and transitions. So if you ever need someone to talk to about missing your sister...i'm your girl. <3

Unknown said...

My sister cried the morning I got married because she thought we wouldn't be as close as we were before. We are still so close--if not closer in some ways! We're now having babies within a couple weeks of each other! So crazy! Haha. It is definitely a hard change (especially since she's living further away--I had already been away at college for two years when I got married so my sister was used to me being far) but you are amazing for embracing it and realizing what a wonderful thing it is as well! :] I just love both of you girls!

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