September 07, 2013

jamaica :: day seven

raisins in the pancakes, tired eyes, a still muggy morning, the last day of VBS, 3-month-old April cuddles, a story of Daniel, a record breaking crowd of kids (115+), ice cream cones with pink ice cream, a beef juci patti for lunch, a drizzly evening, an afternoon nap where i slept so hard mom had to wake me so i wouldn't miss dinner, rice and beef, smaller crowd at gospel meeting due to storm coming, a skype date, falling into bed for a great night's sleep.

mine and sis's class broke record crowds the last day. ;p

//day eight coming soon//

3 says:

Rachel said...

That baby you're holding is so cute!! Looks like you were having a good and impactful time!

Susannah said...

What amazing pictures!!!

Jamie Sefcik || Hello Little Scout said...

So much fun!!!

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