May 21, 2013

life is beautiful.

A sister's friendship.
A baby's cry.
A shooting star.
A brother's goofiness.
A faith and hope for so much more.
A father's love.
A mother's prayer.

She sits there.
Knowing that I need her presence, she silently loves me by being there.
She's been there for me as long as forever.
A sister's love.

He is there watching her every move, encouraging her to press on toward the goal at hand.
Then the tiny blessing is born.
The sound is sweet to the mommy and daddy...
a baby's cry.

It's a clear crisp night.
They are bestowed the gift of being outside underneath the shimmery, God-made, blanket of twinkling lights.
And then it happens.
A shooting star.

She sits there in her chair.
It is early morning and the family is still in bed.
She takes out the Holy Word and dives in.
Along the way, she accomplishes one of the tasks that helps to hold a family together.
A mother's prayer.

Have you ever just stopped?
Stopped to see how beautiful life really is?
We have it all.

(ps. october baby is an amazing movie about life.)

1 says:

Liv said...

Love the movie October Baby! :)

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