March 17, 2013

if you would have told me...

...this time last year that we would be running 5k's almost every weekend, I would have thought you to be nuts.

If you told me that we would run our first 10k on March 16, 2013, I would have really thought that to be crazy.

Welllll, ladies and gentlemen, we did it.

We ran our first 10k.

a 10k race

We wake up.

It's 5:30 a.m.

We don our running gear, throw on some make-up and straighten our hair 
(which will just be pulled back into a ponytail anyways :).

Eating a breakfast of peanut butter, banana, and a biscuit, we head out the door.

Daddy is along for the ride too--our greatest cheerleader.

Trying to point out legit reasons of getting up so early to run a 10k 
(yes, we thought we were crazy too), 
we pointed the blessings out...
the beautiful sunrise we were able to see
the food that awaited us at the end of the race (that was the sister's blessing ;P)
a nap that we would be able to enjoy later that day

Yes, blessings abounded.

We arrive at our destination.

Many runners are already there.

We are impressed that so many runners have showed to the Shamrock Shuffle.

We pin our numbers on and start our stretches.

We are ready.

running buddies

The horn buzzes and we're off.

We set our paces and pray that we'll make it the coming 6.2 miles.

(Note: Mom has run about 5 miles a few times at home, but the farthest run that the sister and I have ever done was maybe 4 miles when running at home. So, this was literally double what we were ever used to running.)

The first mile passes....the second....third....fourth....number five eventually passes.

By the time I got to the 6th mile I was pumped.

"I can do this! I'm actually doing this!!"

Trying not to get too excited and using up the little energy I had left, I kept my pace and kept running.

Mom and sister had already passed me at the beginning so I knew in my mind that they were at the finish line...waiting for me along with daddy.

I see it. Our starting point.

Just a few more yards and I would be crossing the finish line.

I speed it up a notch a pass a few people.

The balloons over the finish line are in view and I am thankful.

I round the last bend and see them.

My sister and daddy are yelling for me to finish--cheering me on home.

My sister runs up beside me and sprints the last few feet with me.

We did it.

a sister to cheer me on

High fives are exchanged and hugs are received between the mother and daughters.

Mom wins second in her category and the sister wins first 
(sister was the only one in her age category...she would have probably won, she's good! ;).

Our first 10k....(wow), is complete.

Blessings abound.

a picture with the Publix dinosaur just because

//More blessings.//

Stats for my info:
Chip Time: 1:16:38
Gun Time: 1:16:42
Overall Place: 195 out of 259
Age Division: 20-24
Place: 5th out of the 7 in my age group

6 says:

momof3girls said...

I love hearing about you girls running! I wish you were our neighbors so we could run with you. I'm so proud of you...not only for running but for sticking together.

marie said...

Yeah!!!!! For you all. And to your dad too for cheering you on.

What a great way to spend the morning! And the name 'shamrock shuffle', too cute. Have a wonderful Monday Marli :)

Jamie Sefcik || Hello Little Scout said...

Way to go girl!

Brooklyn said...

Wow, I wish I could do that! Could you possibly do a post with tips on getting fit?

Susannah said...

Good work! That is such a great accomplishment!!!

Jessica said...

i would love to run a 5 or 10k some day...but it doesn't feel like it will every happen:) congrats on doing it!!

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