February 05, 2013

super bowl...glory?

So, yeah.

I have to say that I was one of those people who didn't watch the entire Super Bowl.


I did watch the second half of the third quarter and the whole fourth quarter...and LOVED it.

Impressed? Yeah, I thought so.


Great job Ravens. I really thought the 49ers were going to come back and get ya. 
You pulled it out well: 
Final Score Ravens-34  49ers-31 


Whew, we have all of that behind us....

now for the tough subject at hand.

The half-time show.

This has been weighing heavily on my heart ever since I saw the big hype about it on Instagram.
I. was. speechless.
Knowing that guys and girls all across the world watched that kind of trash broke my heart--
and people were saying how great it was???

I'm going to share my thoughts and then leave it with you to think about...

Before the super bowl I had never heard of Beyonce. Never.
And the way I'm feeling, I kind of wish I had never seen those pictures on Instagram.

I want to ask: 
"How in the world could a guy watch that and NOT have lustful thoughts?"
"How in the world could a Christian watch that without having feelings of guilt after watching it?"

"Would you have watched that with Jesus sitting beside you?"
You may say: "Awwwh, Marli. Of course I wouldn't have....Jesus isn't even here."
I don't know about you, but Jesus is with me everywhere I go.

To the guys:

I am so sorry that you had to view that kind of trash Sunday night.
I know in today's society it is so hard to keep your heart and mind filled with pure thoughts.
It makes me so sad to know what you guys have to go through in everyday life.
Especially during a harmless football game.
I don't see why they had to hire 3 girls who moved their bodies around, with barely enough clothes on to be considered underwear, to the beat of trashy music-- 
especially for a sport that mainly you guys watch. 

I pray for the guys in my life daily. 
I pray that you'll have the courage to have power over the remote and turn off the TV or computer.
 I pray that you won't click that mouse when the temptation is there.
I pray that you won't fall into that dangerous pit of sin.

I pray that you'll keep your life pure.

I want to thank you ahead of time for the effort you make to maintain the pure thoughts.
The effort you put forth to filling your mind with His Word. 
For walking away.

Keep it up, guys.

To the girls:

We would never dress like Beyonce in public (...right??).
If we only knew how our guy friends view a body like Beyonce and could see her through his eyes.
Young ladies, we have an honor and a privilege of dressing modestly for our guy friends. 

They don't have to lust after our bodies.
Matthew 5:27 and 28 says:
"You have heard that it is was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.'
But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Ladies, do you realize what this is saying?
If a young man looks at a young lady and lusts,
(definition of lust-coveting through the influence of impure desire.)
he has sinned and commits adultery in his heart.

Ladies, to put it plainly, if we dress immodestly and they look at us with lustful longing, 
we have made our brothers in Christ sin.
I don't know about you, but that makes me quake in my boots.

I pray and hope that you'll have the courage and the strength to dress modestly.
Cover up.
Spend more time and money if needs be for that modest shirt.

Believe me, whether they say it or not,
they appreciate it more than you could ever imagine.

Believe me.
I have an older brother and a daddy.

I'm having to shop longer and harder for my clothes too.
You can do it, girl.

"For a man's ways are before the Lord, and He ponders all his paths."
Prov. 5:21

How, after watching a half-time show like that, can we go into church and feel comfortable singing:
 "Create in me a pure heart, O God..."
"Closer to Thee, near to Thy side, Closer dear Lord,
I would abide; Hold me in Thy embrace, 'Neath every
smile of grace, Grant me, Thy child, a place closer to Thee..."

Do we really desire pure hearts in worship every Sunday and Wednesday night?

Are we "closer to God" during the week? Or just on church days?

Are we able to partake of the Lord's supper every Sunday or pray to our Heavenly Father with pure thoughts after watching something similar to the Super Bowl?


As for the commercials...
Don't even get me started--that's another topic for another day.

Although, I am thankful for people who care and would create this one
My favorite.


Also, please go and read L's thoughts on the Super Bowl.
Pretty amazing.



I really do say these words in love.

It's just something that I have been thinking about and had to scribble (or should I say type? ;) down on paper (oh no, wait. ...down on the screen...).

Thanks for listening to my heart. <3

9 says:

Erin James said...

SO PROUD of you for writing this post. I agree with everything you shared. I have been so grieved about the Half-Time show and some of the commercials at the Super Bowl. Thankfully we are not alone in our disgust over that kind of immorality being on daytime TV and I am praying for this ever-darkening culture and society. We need Jesus!

LOVE YOU and thankful you shared this.

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

thank you for having the courage and faith to write this, marli! i appreciate it more than you know.

Season of Life said...

My husband and a couple of our sons went to church Sunday night for fellowship and game viewing. They shut down the game at half-time to avoid any vile thing that may have come on causing them to sin. PRAISE the LORD for wisdom to do so! So much better to NOT stumble by using that remote control. :D The days are filled with stumbling blocks for men {young and old alike}, so they MUST be vigilant in making a covenent with their eyes and yes, the ladies {again young and old alike} MUST be diligent to be that stumbling block for the men...

Thanks for posting your exhortation to the girls/ladies out there reading your blog...I pray MORE godly young ladies will rise to the call of purity, modesty and seeking to live holy {for He is holy}. I pray the men out there {brothers, sons, fathers} will remain faithful to the LORD in their walk by letting nothing come into their view that would cause them to lust.


Mrs. Smith

nate and amy crandell said...

Amen Sister! Beautifully written. I did watch the halftime show and had to look away a few times. But overall it was uncomfortable because of the way she was dancing and what she was wearing. It's sad this is what the World is coming too! Keep being a good example of modesty :) I will too!

marie said...

Thanks for putting in words how I felt. I have heard of Beyonce and even like some of her music, but it's so sad she can't let her beautiful God given voice speak for itself. I did not like her show and thought it completely innapropriate. We had a lot of people over and part of me wanted to turn it off. I probably should have looking back, but I didn't want to make a fuss.

I love that there are girls like you in this world. I hope my daughters are just like you :) All my love to you Marli

Wendi Vick said...

Thank you for this post! I am part of a sports loving family and I have always considered it sad that you can't watch a football game without every commercial break beginning and ending with immodest cheerleaders being shown. The Super Bowl has taken it up a notch the past few years. We are the people who would watch the Super Bowl for the game, not the commercials or the halftime show. I am so thankful for DVR, so that we can attend Sunday night services and still catch all of the game, but more importantly, so that we can fast forward through the commercials and the halftime show. It is sad that our society considers this kind of entertainment to be OK, but it is even sadder that so many Christians sit and watch like nothing is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Great Post Marli! Thank you for encouraging our young people to remain modest in our culture where immodesty abounds.

Stopping in from the R16:16 Blog Hop!

Keep up the Great Work! God Bless You, Renee Brown

Create said...

Visiting from the R16:16 Blog Hop and I'm just super impressed with this post! It is right on target! I have never watched a super bowl, but with all the hype this year I thought I'd check it out. BAD IDEA! It was on a commercial break and I had my 2 young children in the room with me. I had to turn it off because of the commercials. This was a much needed article! Great job!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the thoughtful post... the world is trying to feed us so much JUNK food when we have the REAL FEAST in our hands - the Word of God. Just another reason why we are a PBS-only family, so that my husband and son won't be subjected to these attacks on their hearts.

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