March 16, 2012

Friday's Letters...

Dear Daddy,
I'm so excited about your runoff. Let's go talk to some more peeps!

Dear Mom,
Thank you for your patience...the semester's almost over. ;)

Dear Brother,
Thank you for scanning the random items on your registry...

Dear Sissy,
Thank you for hanging with me in the parking lot. If we had to wait much longer for the poll results, I think I would have fainted. "Those bugs sound like women screaming."

Dear Indy,
Thank you for wanting to be the wife of my brother. :) I can't wait to start life with you as my other sister.

Dear weather,
Thank you for becoming warm so that I can wear my favorite shoe... the flip flop.

Dear new friends,
Thanks for letting me make you.

Dear "Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Card" book,
You have changed my life...for the better.

Dear Reese's Peanut Butter Cups,
You have worked well. You can now take a bow.

Dear apple cinnamon oatmeal,
You have been great. Keep up the good work.

Dear church family,
I don't see how people live without you...

Dear Jesus Christ,
Thank you for listening to what I have to matter how small or lame it may be.

9 says:

Denise said...

Love these letters!

Jessica said...

Dear Marli,

your too sweet!!!

have a great weekend!

marie said...

You have the most wonderful grateful heart Marli, it will get you everywhere in life.

his little lady said...

aw, i love these little letters. especially to the reese's peanut butter cups. my favorite!!
xo TJ

memory said...

You did a letters post! {My reaction when I saw the title} Awh and girl you know we could have handled a few more minutes out there. Nobody would mess with us.. they know who our daddy is! ;)



Nana said...

Marli, this is precious. You are truly a woman of gratitude and making us as family feeling great. Good luck on your exams!

Love you,


Anonymous said...

ooh...I really like your blog! Wonderful post;)

I am doing a survey of bloggers, and I want to ask you a couple of questions.)
1.) How old are you?
2.) How old is your blog?
3.) Why you created a blog?
4.) How long you plan to carry it?

In the earlier, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love your letter to the weather!! I agree completely! :o)

How much longer until your brother's wedding?

Emma Frances said...

Such sweet letters! :) And yay for having such wonderful family and a Big Brother who listens to everything you have to say!

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