October 06, 2011

a friend of mine...

Who, What, Where?
Kristen/[Preacher's] Wife and Mother/UCLA (Upper-Corner, Lower Alabama)

Her 6 sentence short story is...
For a girl who had always said she wouldn't date till she was in her twenties, and who would never have children, life has had some unexpected, though totally welcomed, twists. I never do anything conventional; I was married at eighteen, pregnant at nineteen, and had my first child at twenty. I went from graduating high school to preacher's wife, and although it hasn't always been easy...I wouldn't change it for the world. God has always been my stability throughout these last four years, when the most unexpected things have taken place. Without Him, I am nothing--a nobody. But with Him, I can do all things. (Philippians 4:13)

Her blog is called...

The thing at the heart of her blog is..
A Christian life- with all the ups and downs- with a focus on family.

6 things that make her world go round...
1. God, Christ, and the hope of Heaven

2. My precious family

3. Fellowshipping with the Lord's church

4. My camera

5. A good book, especially reading it in a cozy bed

6. Relaxation after the kidlet goes to bed (seriously, it's just glorious!)

Her perfect film would consist of...
Historical romance, Think Gone with the Wind or Pride & Prejudice or Emma (the one with Jonny Lee Miller, not Gwyneth Paltrow).

2 says:

Kristen said...

WOW - she seems like SUCH a cool person.


Thanks for featuring me! I feel all warm and fuzzy <3

memory said...

LOL, your comment made me smile, Kristen!
this picture is so lovely of you. i loved hearing the story of your life (UCLA cracked me up! i'd hear LA=lower alabama, but not UCLA, haha).
i also love a good book :)

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