October 02, 2011

a friend of mine...

India is very special to our family since she is the brother's really good frind.
*wink, wink*

Who, What, Where?
India/Student, Christian, Blogger/Alabama or Virginia

Her 6 sentence short story is...
Picture your average Christian college student life, and you've got it! When in school I live the city life full of crazy happenings and lots of drama, an amazing contrast to what I am used to. When at home, I live like an old fashioned country girl with my pa, my ma, and all my many siblings where I still walk around barefoot outside. I'm working diligently on my studies to be a counselor, but sometimes, being the outgoing person that I am, I tend to spend a little to much time hanging out and talking to good friends. If you had asked me a few years ago what I thought I would be doing with my life, counseling and being in Alabama were not part of my answer, but God has other plans and I am so glad that He does. Everyday I get excited to see what changes in my life God will make next.

Her blog is called...

The thing at the heart of her blog is...
Family, Godly living, friendships, inspirational thoughts, and Peppermint Tea

6 things that make her world go round...
1. My relationship with God

2. My family and loved ones

3. Being able to be there for and help others

4. Music (that I'm singing or listening too)

5. God's creation; I love hiking

6. Peppermint Tea ;)

Her perfect film would consist of...
A wholesome love story, set in the 1800's because I love their clothing and the way they talked in that time period. Any of Jane Austin's books can make great movies.

1 says:

memory said...

And what a sweet friend she is...

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