May 28, 2011

A Vision of Warrior Poets

Young ladies, did you know that we play a major role in how "Warrior Poets" are made? What are Warrior Poets? Warrior Poets are: Men who are striving to be the man that God would want them to be in their actions, thoughts, and words. Basically being a Godly sort of way. 

According to Leslie Ludy: "A key ingredient to a girl becoming a woman is learning to truly understand the manhood of Christ and then learning to help the males in her life transform into Christ-like princes."

Sometimes we may wonder just where those Warrior Poets are or if they still exist. Did you know that the majority of guys want to be "normal"? Whatever our culture defines as normal behavior, that can quickly become their manly pursuit. Young ladies, do I even need to remind you what would be considered "normal" in our culture? I don't know about you, but I don't really think that fits with the Warrior Poet definition!

Guys need someone to believe in them. They need someone to tell them that they can rise above this mediocrity. They need someone to tell them that they can have a lot more than "one thing" on their minds. They need someone to raise the expectations of their manhood. Believe it or not, guys need you, a young woman, to help them find their way out of the spiritual gutter of cultural normalcy.

Here are four ways to help shape young men into Warrior Poets (from the book Authentic Beauty):

1. Practice making princes out of the men in your life.
You can start with your daddy's and brothers. Go out of your way to mention that you notice the things that they have done well or the times you see them modeling a picture of manhood that you respect. Over time, as you gain even more of a vision for what a young man can become, you'll develop your own ways to draw majestic manli
ness out of the guys in your life. It's the words of the princesses that make them princes. They need to hear from you!

2. Challenge men to a higher standard.
Just by guarding your heart and waiting for a Christ-like Warrior Poet, you can challenge men to a higher standard without needing to say a word. When a guy realizes that you are holding out for a Christlike gentleman, it may be the motivation he needs to evaluate his own version of masculinity. There is no need to be aloof or distant toward less-than-Christlike guys. If you simply have a sweet, cheerful confidence in the standard you are holding out for, it can cause a guy to stop and think twice about his behavior. Maybe certain guys in your life showcase more of our culture's perversion than the inspirational manhood of Jesus Christ. If that's the case, when opportunity arises, verbally proclaim a higher level of expectation. Being critical or preachy won't be effective. Rather, in a lighthearted and friendly way, gently prod them toward something better.
Here are a few examples of what it could look like:
~If they burp or do anything else in the gross family, say very sweetly something like, "I've heard that burping is considered very attractive to the bearded, one eyed yak-worshipping women of Hanalei, but unfortunately most other girls don't find it very charming!" ;)
~If they hesitate to help someone in need, comment (very sweetly :), something akin to, "This job demands a man with great strength and massive biceps," then look his way and, with a tilt of your head and adding a sighing lilt to you voice, say, "Ahhh, here is the man of bulging biceps who will surely save the day!" 
~If they attempt to pressure you to sacrifice you sacred innocence, quickly leave them in the dust, and in your parting say something like, "You have the potential to be a great man. And when you are, you will be a protector rather than a conqueror of a woman's innocence."

3. Ponder the manhood of Christ.
Read both the book of Song of Solomon and the book of Revelation in the Bible. Reading those two books togehter, with the sole intention of seeing a picture of what Christ-like manhood looks like, has an amazing impact. Song of Solomon gives a picture of Christ as a poet, a gentle encourager, and a servant-lover. Revelation provides a picture of Christ as a conqueror, a hero, a Warrior of warriors, and a King of kings. As a young woman, acquaint yourself with the ultimate Warrior Poet, Jesus Christ, and then you will know better what manhood is supposed to look like.

4. Become a student of manhood.
If you make the study of manhood a lifetime research project, you will, in the process, become an amazing young woman. Start up a journal for yourself, titled something original like "My Study of Manhood." In it, write all your thoughts, observations, and discoveries about Christlike manhood. Ask God to begin to teach you how to appreciate manhood and see it the way He does. A woman who appreciates manhood is an instrument God will use to shape manhood.

I don't know about you, but I want to be a young lady who will be able to encourage guys in my world to strive to be the Warrior Poet that God would have them to be. Will you join me in this great challenge?

1 says:

Luke said...

Good post! Most ladies today seem to try to feminize men instead of the other way.

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