May 06, 2014

w e e k e n d.

this past weekend was wonderful.


cheering mom on at crossing the creek adventure run.
downtown cityfest.
strawberry picking at u-pick.
a cook-out with friends and family.


afternoon movie watching.
evening worship.
a dinner of leftovers and movie night with brother and sis-in-law.


a phase 10 game--just me and him.
sad goodbyes--already looking forward to next time.

my boyfriend drove down from his hometown in kentucky friday night.

due to a tire blowout, he was a tad bit later  than was planned so mom and i went to the area wide singing--waiting for his arrival. he arrived around 9:30 pm and we went to work dressing spooky's (my horse) abscessed hoof. he left for nana's house around 10:30--his hotel for the weekend. :)

he got to our house at 6:50 am--bright and early--in order for us to leave to go to mom's race.
she was the second overall woman winner--getting beat by a 14-year-old by a mere 4 seconds.

cityfest was enjoyed and kettle corn was bought.

a lunch at mcalister's deli was consumed and a trip to the strawberry patch was made.

back home, dinner preparations were made and friends arrived.
grilled chicken, bbq, baked beans, hashbrown casserole, and salad was on the menu.
lots of laughter was shared.

he met us at church the next morning and my family worshiped the Lord together 
(minus the sister and the brother-in-law).

nana and grandaddy joined us at home for a feast of homemade lasagna, garlic bread and salad.

he and i watched gifted hands after our company left.

church that night.

monday morning dawned and after he filled up with fuel, he came to see me at home.

we sat on the couch and talked about this and that and then debated on whether to play checkers or phase 10. 
my suggestion won--phase 10.
 (it's a secret as to who won *wink wink*)

10:00 am rolled around--the time he had to leave.

i watched as he drove off--back to his hometown....until next time.

2 says:

Liv said...

So sweet! And way to go to your momma!!! That's awesome! Running my first 5K of the season this Saturday for our church. Shooting for second in my age catagory....but we'll see. :)

Jennifer said...

love keeping up with your life. :) you're the bestest.


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