May 23, 2014

burnt behind the ears :: part two.

sleeping in till 8:30ish the next morning (because sleeping in is what you do on vacation, right? ;), we awoke to a gorgeous day--a perfect day to spend on the beach.

mom and i put on our bathing suits and shorts and walked--with beach supplies in tow-- to all the amazingness of the beach.

it was a little windy, but warm.
absolutely perfect.

after laying in the sun for a while, we left our chairs and went strolling along the beach--waves lapping at our feet. i stopped and went to stand in the water and it took my breath away.
it was C O L D.
and to think that kids were actually SWIMMING in that water.

heading back to the beach house, we ate a lunch of homemade chicken salad with green salad and then made the unanimous decision to go rent bikes.

fun stuff.

we hopped on our lime green bicycles and were off on our next adventure.

we passed runners and other bikers.
we passed adorable little beach houses with cute white carports.
we passed shops and brightly colored houses.

the miles ticked on and our legs continued their job of peddling us to our destination--the end of the bike trail.

we made it to the end, turned around, and peddled all the way back to the beach house.

my friends,
that would be a 29.80 mile bike ride.

never in my life had i E-V-E-R done that.
but it was sooooo amazing and fun.

bro-in-law had been doing some work in another part of florida and the sister was with him.
that afternoon, we received a text from sis saying that bro-in-law was going to drop her off with us on their way home to spend the rest of the weekend with us on the beach.
bro-in-law and sister arrived that evening and said their good-byes to each other for a few days.
bro-in-law headed home, and us girls went to the late-night showing of million dollar hand. 

we arrived back at the house after 1 (in the morning) and crashed in our beds...dreaming of what the next day would bring.

more to come of the trip.

3 says:

The Olive Tree Blog said...

Your trip looks lovely!!! ENJOY!!!!!

Holly said...

Sounds like you take after my uncle Sonny!!!

Liv said...

Sounds so fun!

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