April 20, 2012

Friday's Letters (#3)...

Dear Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes Convention,
Thank you for always being so great. You are a highlight to everybody's year.

Dear Nerds candy,
Thank you for being part of my Easter surprise. You, along with the Reese's eggs, were the cherry on top.

Dear Instagram,
Thank you for coming into my life. You are totally fun.

Dear Accounting test,
Thank you for letting me make a 100% on you.

Dear checkbook,
Thank you for balancing again.

Dear tax peoples,
I sure hope you are happy, because I joined all of the millions of first-timers in paying taxes this week.

3 says:

memory said...

No more accounting and it's time to PAR-TAYYY! I have my sister back.


Anonymous said...

Yay on acing your test!!

Taxes = WORST THING EVER! Ok, maybe not that bad. Pretty bad though. Saving your money all year only to give it to the government isn't so much fun. :(

meme-and-he said...

100%?! you are a miracle worker!

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