October 19, 2011

a friend of mine...

Who, What, Where?
Joy: Christian, Wife, Mother, Blogger, in Tanzania, East Africa

Her 6 sentence short story is...
When I was 9 or 10 years old I  had a school assignment to write a paragraph about what my life would be like in 20 years, and I stated that I wanted to marry a missionary and have 3 or 4 children. Skip forward a few years to my wedding ceremony, during which this passage was read "...whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge..." (Ruth 1:16)  Now, here I sit in Iringa, Tanzania, married to a man who has given his life to sharing the gospel, and blessed with four precious children who are really no longer children (make that five - I have a wonderful son-in-law as an added blessing). I am a quiet person and sometimes feel so inadequate for the role I play, but with God's help, I do the best I can; after all, apparently He thought I was up to the task. When I'm not cooking, cleaning, quilting or playing the part of secretary/editor for my husband, then I enjoy reading and writing. Blogging is one way I have found to stay in touch with the rest of the world.

Her blog is called...

The thing at the heart of her blog is...
Faith and Family - that pretty much sums it up.

6 things that make her world go round...
1. Living life as a child of God.

2. My wonderful husband and children - can't imagine life without them.

3. Laughing at witty puns and dumb jokes. The world needs more laughter.

4. Keeping in touch with family and friends who are too far away.

5. I'd love to be able to go to a fabric store and buy some cute material in order to make some crafty projects.

6. I enjoy the challenge of making delicious food for my family, in spite of limited available ingredients.

Her perfect film would consist of...
My movie viewing is quite limited. I honestly have no idea what a perfect film might be! My preferences are quite varied. I enjoy movies about WWII, the Civil War era, family-oriented movies with a western theme, and I also love movies that are set in Africa - a lot. The most important criteria to me: it must be CLEAN!

2 says:

memory said...

just followed mrs. jensen's blog today! :) i love that about where she says the world needs more laughter... so true. :D
p.s. loving your fall background!

P! said...

Oh, this is such a fun idea! And what a wonderful way to showcase a fabulous blog! I just stumbled upon your blog and am so happy I did- I can't wait to read more in the future. :)

-Paula @ Life's Little Lessons

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