October 14, 2011

a friend of mine...

Who, What, Where?
Lori Lynn, Blogger, Alabama-U.S.A.

Her 6 sentence short story is...
I'm a 20 year old girl still living at home.
God has blessed me with a great part-time (more like 3/4 time!) job, as well as so many opportunities to serve and grow; I stay very busy!
I hope to follow in the footsteps of ladies like Cindy Colley and Shelia Butt, not only as a writer and speaker, but first and foremost as a godly wife and mom. 
God has blessed me and my family with a wonderful home congregation, I love getting to be involved with the people and activities there.
I love all things Anne of Green Gables, and I tend to get myself in scrapes like she does!
If there was only one thing that y'all could know about me, is that I am a Christian and want to live my life according to God's Word.

Her blog is called...

The thing at the heart of her blog is...
Life. Family. Modest Fashion. Biblical Living. Music. Crochet. Pretty much anything I feel like writing about.

6 things that make her world go round...
1. The fact that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to die for MY sins.

2. My wonderful family and friends!

3. My drives to and from work. Just long enough to blare my music and clear my head, and just short enough to be the perfect amount of time.

4. Good movies and great books!

5. This will sound vain...but I love cute clothes and making new outfits out of what I already have!

6. A room that would clean itself and 2 extra days in the week. I know those will never happen, but a girl can dream can't she?

Her perfect film would consist of...
Anne of Green Gables!!! Seriously, movies don't get better than that!

3 says:

memory said...

hooray for lori lynn! i love number 3 about her drives to and from work. sounds like you and me huh sis? ;)
beatiful picture. looks like that was at tabitha's wedding.(?)

Anonymous said...

The Anne of Green Gables series is one of my favorite too!

Unknown said...

Your blog is adorable and I love this series! Lori sounds like a lot of fun. :)

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