October 09, 2011

Answering the Guy Questions: Chapter Seven

 Here is the last chapter in the book.... I hope you have enjoyed these little excerpts and have gleaned something from them as I have. I have really enjoyed reading all of Leslie's books. I hope you will consider getting comfortable in a easy chair, with a cup of tea in hand, and read the entire book, Answering the Guy Questions....

click here

Chapter Seven
Fairy-Tale Love Stories

 In a modern world ravaged by mindless sex and mediocre marriages, achieving a fairy-tale love story is no small accomplishment. The enemy of our souls seems to be extra aggressive these days in his attempts to ruin beautiful romances before they even begin. It makes sense, if you think about it. When relationships are built upon God's perfect pattern, they lead to strong, healthy, Christ-centered marriages. Strong, Christ-centered marriages lead to strong Christ-centered families. And strong, Christ-centered families breed strong, Christ-centered churches and communities. Strong, Christ-centered churches and communities progress the kingdom of God and wage war on the kingdom of darkness. So it's no wonder Satan wants to destroy the beauty of God-scripted romance.

Building a romance God's way is not a formula. God works differently in different people. However there are certain principles that always govern a Christ-centered relationship. If you truly build your life and love story around these principles, you can be certain you'll experience a beautiful romance and avoid the heartache so common in our modern times.

Principle One: Keep Christ at the Center
Your romance with Christ is not supposed to be a stand-in until you finally meet the man you'll marry. Your romance with Christ is meant to be the lifelong passion of your heart and soul. Your earthy love story should pale in comparison to your love story with Christ--not just during your single years, but everyday for the rest of your life. And if it ever comes down to a choice between Christ and your future husband, Jesus Christ must always come first.

Principle Two: Vigilantly Protect Purity
The reason we don't understand the importance of purity in because we don't understand the significance of the marriage covenant. A wedding isn't merely a ceremony in which you verbally commit to love each other for the rest of your lives. A wedding is a sacred exchange--a holy covenant in which two lives become one. Until you have entered into that covenant, you are still individuals--no matter how committed you might be to the relationship. Once you enter the sacred covenant, you are no longer two individuals, but "one flesh." Then and only then are you free to enjoy each other's bodies in an intimate way.
If you engage in sensual touch prior to entering that sacred covenant, you dishonor God's perfect design and leave yourselves wide open for the enemy to ravage the beauty and nobility of your relationship.

Principle Three: Experience God's Restoration
God-scripted love stories are not just for those who have never compromised. In fact, the very reason that Christ sacrificed everything for us was to offer us the chance to be restored, washed clean, and given a hope and a future.
If you feel that you've "gone too far" to experience a truly pure and beautiful God-scripted love story, let me assure you that it's never too late to be restored and made new by His amazing cleansing blood.

~Leslie Ludy

2 says:

Dawson Cattle Company said...

i love this... i think i will get this of our children to read and learn from when the time is right. thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Laura :) I found your blog just today through Pink Lemonade. I love Leslie Ludy's books too! Her website is wonderful to.

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