September 19, 2011

a friend of mine...

Who, What, Where?
Jennifer/ Jesus-lover, Writer, Musician, Wife & Photographer/ Southeast - USA

Her 6 sentence short story is...
Hi, my name is Jennifer and I view life like a piece of music. Jesus Christ is my melody and everything else revolves around Him. I am a newly-wed, dreamer, writer, vintage-lover, musician, photographer and missions enthusiast…but all of it centers around Him. I believe that I am blessed to be a blessing and I try to live each day to the fullest with that in mind. I can't wait to see what is composed at the end of this life!

Her blog is called... 

The thing at the heart of her blog is...
Here you will find tidbits of my life with my wonderful husband, some things I love, photography, a few crafty projects and my journey in the pursuit of Christ.

6 things that make her world go round...
1. The deep, deep love of Jesus.
2. My handsome, musical and silly hubby.
3. Being a photographer.
4. A good book with a warm cup of tea in hand.
5. All things vintage.
6. The mountains in Autumn

Her perfect film would consist of...
I would love to put myself in the set of Pride and Prejudice, with  my husband as Mr. Darcy. I'd add a few more mountains, a bit more music that lifts the heart to the sky, and my family instead of the Bennets…we're just as quirky anyway!

4 says:

Unknown said...

Yay! Thanks girl! I tweeted about it!

memory said...


*wink wink*


Ashley from Sloanbook said...

Awe her blog is so cute! What a cute feature!

Chelsea said...

This is so cute! That a cute blog friend you have.

I'm new to your blog, but loving it, so far.


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