July 17, 2011

Making a Joyful Noise with the Voice

I LOVE to sing. Singing makes me feel....well...I can't even describe how singing makes me feel. When we are with our friends, that is what we like to do. We don't go to the mall. We don't go to see the newest Harry Potter movie. And we don't even go to Waffle House to hang out all night (not that those are awful things, we just don't do them ;). Our most favorite thing to do is invite as many friends who want and are able to come, throw a lasagna in the oven (ahead of time, of course ;P), and then gather in the living room and just sing...for hours. There is nothing like acappella singing and harmonizing with eachother...there's just not.

One night, while in Jamaica, me, the sister, and two of our girl friends gathered in one of our rooms and just started singing to our God. Just random devo songs or hymns that popped into our heads, blending our alto and soprano voices. Even though the majority of our group had gone to bed, there the four of us sat, worshipping and praising our Lord.

One of my favorite things to do...ever.

1 says:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Keep it up.

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