June 28, 2011

Happy 20th Birthday to YOU!!

This is to my dear friend, Lurlynn on her 20th birthday:
 Wow! Twelve years of being friends?! Can you believe it?! Thanks for being a bosom buddy. The sister and I are so blessed to have you as a friend. I hope this is your best year ever! ;) Love you more!
P.S. I hope I haven't embarrassed you to much for posting some of these pictures from the past couple of years... ha ha! ;D Great memories!

Lur and I were out shopping. We were in a thrift store and she saw it...the dress!
She tried it on, and we HAD to get a picture! ;) She did not buy it!....although, I kinda wish we had...;P

I love you dearly, my friend.

3 says:

Rebekah Cherry said...

Happy Birthday Lurlynn!

Lori Lynn aka Lurlynn said...

HAHAHA!!! I love these pictures! Not embarassed a bit :-) love the wedding dress "It's so ugly I have to try it on! ;-)"

Kristen said...

So sweet! Happy birthday!

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