May 22, 2011

Oh the joys...

"You might be a horse person, if the container you mix the Epsom salt and water in, is your regular family's tea pitcher."
                                                                         -The sister

On Wednesday, one of our horses had a meter part stuck in his hoof. It was a part with a longer piece which went up in his frog (a part of the hoof). After pulling it out, it bled a little bit and then stopped. Well, since then, he hasn't wanted to really put his weight on it (but walking he has to) and limps really bad. Thursday, we started soaking it in Epsom salt and warm water, pouring White Line into the wound, sticking a good 'ole cotton ball in it, and then wrapping it in none other...duct tape! ;)We do this twice a day.

We have had to do this with our other horse when he had an abcess in his hoof, but never been blessed with a puncture. :(

I think its looking like a phone call to the farrier and vet is in store for us. We are only dreading the vet's response...Auburn for x-rays? $$$

2 says:

Dawson Cattle Company said...

Sooo glad you are back to blogging... i hate hearing your horse is having problems... i hope he gets better soon! take care.

Jessica said...

oh...i hope everything turns out alright and the bill isn't too high.

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